Every once in a while, I like to really tackle one of those meaning of life topics. The closest thing I can come to in that area as far as article writing goes is this. Can talent be learned? Wow...talk about a deep subject? If you're looking for a yes or no answer to this question, you've come to the wrong article. However, if you're looking for some insight into this, then sit back and enjoy. I have a feeling that this little piece of literature will at least give you something to think about.
First of all, you have three camps. The one camp says that writing can be learned, just like anything else and talent is developed over time. Another camp says either you have it or you don't. It's that intangible that nobody can really explain that separates the okay writers from the great writers. In other words, it's something that you're born with. And then finally, you have a third camp that says it's a combination of both. You need the basic education to be able to write well, but then you also need to have that intangible that I mentioned up above.
Great, so who is right? They can't all be right. And quite honestly, as a writer of over 30 years, I still don't know who is right. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no Hemingway. I read some of the stuff that people write and wonder how they're able to write so well. And then there are folks who I try to teach basic writing skills to and they still can't write their way out of a paper bag. So is it talent? I don't know. I certainly feel to a degree it has to be simply because of my own ability to at least write as well as I do.
But what if I never got any training at all? I mean let's face it, as a baby, you can't write a thing. If you hadn't gone to school and learned basic grammar and sentence structure, no matter how talented you were, would you be able to write anything at all? Has anybody ever tested that theory out? Sure, I know you can point to Mozart who sat down at the piano at age three and started composing with no training at all. But how many Mozarts are there in this world?
No, I don't have the answer to this age old question. I doubt anybody will ever come up with an answer. But I hope I've given you something to think about. If you're writing isn't as good as you'd like it to be, there's still a chance that it can be improved by proper instruction.
At least until somebody proves to me that it's all about talent.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
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