Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vision Means Passion - What's Yours?

Interestingly, the word vision can be interchangeable with the word passion.

But small business owners often forget to promote the true reason for being in business. Theyve lost touch with their passionate vision.

Passion is defined as an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction. Vision means unusual discernment or foresight - a person of vision.

Our vision (passion) is that intense driving conviction of unusual foresight that involves people in our story.

It is an authentic story because it comes from our heart. Its the reason we do what we do. And authentic stories are how we persuade people to use our service or product (ideas) over many other choices.

But for a majority of people in small business, vision is lost somewhere between starting the business and dealing with the day-to-day challenges and opportunities that arise.

Ask Yourself This Question

Why did you go into business in the first place?

Like many people, you probably got started with a vision you felt passionate about. Somewhere along the line you fell victim to day-to-day, reactive thinking and never returned to your original business vision. It became diluted and never rose from the ashes again.

What Can I Do to Rediscover My Vision?

Remembering the reason you started your business is the first step. Follow the action steps below to rediscover it.

Next, tell people the story of how you got started and why you love what you do. That story should be on your marketing collateral, web site, sales presentations and phone messages.

Passion is that single, illusive thing that attracts clients. Passion helps you stand out from other businesses who are selling rather than telling a passionate, authentic story about a unique business vision.

Action Steps to Develop Your Vision

1. Create an Authentic Vision Story. Start by considering the reason you started your business in the first place. Think back, when you first started out, what were you excited about?

2. Write down one sentence that tells the value you provide to others. This is the true reason anyone is in business.

3. Next, write down your competitive advantage. How are you different than the competition?

4. List single sentence statements that tell people your identity. Remember, image is dead. Clients and prospects need a strong authentic identity to understand exactly who you are and what you stand for.

5. Add your niche to this list. What single group of people do you best serve?

6. List the type of client you most enjoy working with. Include both professional and personal qualities. Understand who your ideal client is.

7. Weave the 6 points above into a compelling story.

8. Memorize that story. Focus on your ideal client only. Tell every ideal prospect you talk to this week your Authentic Vision Story.

9. The results will surprise you. Your prospects will seem more receptive. Your clients will be more willing to help you spread the word.

Follow these steps and you are guaranteed to find more enjoyment in your business.

Copyright 2005, Bill Gluth, Develop Your Vision, All Rights Reserved.

Bill Gluth is the motivator of focused change. He is the first to specialize in teaching small business owners how to be extraordinary in a commodity driven world.

Since starting Develop Your Vision in 2001, Bill has helped business owners achieve balance, satisfaction and profit with freedom by understanding the unique vision that sets one business apart from their competition.

Bill teaches strategies that turn dreams and goals into accomplishments by successfully reaching tightly defined niche markets using inexpensive, creative, Human Touch ideas and methods.

To find out more about Bill Gluth, Develop Your Vision, visit his website at http://www.developyourvision.com or his Blog at http://www.billgluth.com.

Goal Setting - Key In Developing Your Home Based Business

As you continue going through this year's business and technology goal setting process, you may be thinking it is too early to reflect on the past when this year is only one month old. The reason we suggest you review your goals is that it will help you stay on track with your business goals and if you don't know your numbers well that is not good. Take stock now by reviewing the following suggestions as you decide to do the wise thing and plan to live up to your goal setting activities.

You need to remember the past makes the future. If you look back you will see that you may not have done it all right. Now is the time to start moving forward.

You should review and find what goals you met, goals you exceeded and do more of those activities that make success a lock. If you keep doing what you been doing you will get more of the same thing - so make sure you are doing what works.

We all believe we want to make money online in our home based business but sometimes we have found we make the money and then are unhappy. It would be better to take the time, walk away from the latest fad and work to find your passion. If you hate writing, don't get on the writing bandwagon. If you hate face to face sales, then stop and find another way to make money.

Some folks will not go around the corner without a map. Yet that same person wants to run a business by guessing the outcome of every business situation. You would be so surprised to find how many people are winging it without a plan and are working because working gives you a purpose and makes you feel good. We get a sense of accomplishment from doing things, not necessarily accomplishing and working towards profit. Developing a plan is a positive success making activity.

Watch out for all the offers you are getting online. This is evident when your internet marketer of the moment offers a course to learn how to make a million overnight if you buy it now within the next two days or two hours. Somehow, the information gets old and useless in two days.

Or better yet, the internet marketer really wants to be helpful and cares about you and your family as he leans back on his red Lamborghini in the pretty picture but only for the next 2 hours, 5 minutes and 30 seconds. After that they have to pull it because they really want to help you make that million but as of today, all 6,650,103,102 humans will use it and make it worthless.

Retain your money and your sanity and remove the urgency from your decision making since it is your home based business profitability that is on the line. There are better ways to learn and that is what needs to be taken into affect.

We need a different approach to learning new activities that help you meet your business goals not just make money for the sales person but find a way to make it a win-win situation.

And working in a home based business invariable means working alone a lot of the time. Find someone to make it exciting.

Do you think it is too soon to sit back and review where you stand in terms of your goal setting results? If http://www.successismandatory.com you can't wait for the end of December and hopefully hit your goals, stop and review your http://www.strategyandtechnology.com now to ensure profitability and success

Learn to build your business on the web using iovc strategy and technology solutions at http://www.iovc.com - Download a free IOVC pdf now

Career Goal Setting Tips

You are ready to start your first career or embark on a new one. You haven't really decided what exactly you want to do but you know that it has to be something fulfilling. One of the most important things you can do for your self is to sit down and do some career goal setting.

You are the person who knows better than anyone else about your career goals and it is time to decide what you want for certain.

If you aren't sure what you want to do there are a number of ways for you to find out this information. Here are 7 career goal setting tips to help:

1.Write down everything you like to do -- although most people may find this tedious and wonder what it has to do with career goals, it is one of the most important steps you will take. By writing down what you like and what you don't like you will have a list of traits that would work for you in a job.

2.Take a career test -- many companies have you take a personality profile of some type and it is a good idea. If your company doesn't offer it, you can find several online. It is important to get a test of your personality that also gives you a list of careers that match that personality type.

3.Do research -- do a bit of research on the careers and see which ones match your list of things you like to do. You may find that here are careers you never thought of before that you may be happy doing.

4.Continue personal development -- since the world is constantly changing, start reading in the fields that interest you. Find out the new innovations. You can gain a lot of knowledge by reading or listening to audiotapes on a variety of subjects. Many you can borrow from your public library.

5.Develop a networking plan - there are people within and without a company that can be instrumental in helping you with your career plans. If you aren't sure how to talk to people, start by just talking to them about who they are and what they do. This will lead to other conversations.

6.Find a mentor in the field -- when you are currently in a field you like or you have chosen a couple, it's a good idea to find a mentor in the field who has been their longer. They can give you career goal setting tips that will help you move forward.

7.Think large and small -- what types of things can you do to pursue your goals right now? If you have to go to school or find a job in the field, you may be able to do smaller things that will lead to the larger goal.

Career goal setting tips are helpful as you pursue the job of your choice. Make the best out of this time.

Sharon Alexander - Claim That Job
For more information on how to manage your career successfully, and to get a free job hunting report, visit Claim That Job at http://www.claimthatjob.com

Monday, October 5, 2009

3 Mistakes That People Make in Life


If you are reading this article then the chances are that there are things in your life that are not as you would like them to be; the circumstances of your life aren't all that you would have hoped for; or you find that you are unhappy with the way things are.

The good news is you're not alone and you are about to learn about 3 mistakes that people frequently make and how to avoid them. These things prevent you from having the life of your dreams.

Remember: Change does not happen over night! The principles and tips you will learn need to be practiced and applied in your life by You. No-one else can do any of these things for you!

1. Not Setting Goals and Not Dreaming

Top of the list of mistakes is the lack of Goals and Dreams. For many people, simply setting goals and defining their dreams for themselves is 90% of the problem. "Yes, yes, I've heard all this before..." Mmm... so how come you are reading this article?

Most people have heard somewhere that they are "supposed" to set Goals and have Dreams, but 95% of us don't bother. Is it any wonder then that only 5% of people ever achieve their goals? Well if they are the only people setting them, then isn't it pretty obvious???

So, is it as simple as setting goals? Well, yes and no. Only a fool would think that they simply had to write down a long list of things that they want and they would magically appear! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that goals need lots of hard work attached to them, we'll get to that in a little while!

There are good goals and ones that aren't any good. The following principles will help you to define a goal that you are likely to get attached to and, as such, are likely to achieve.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

  • S - Simple Is it simple to convey your goal in a few words?
  • M - Measurable How will you measure your progress?
  • A - Achievable Can you achieve the goal?
  • R - Realistic Are you being realistic about time and details?
  • T - Timely Have you put a date on it?
There are other important aspects too:

  • Positive goal - never use words like "not" and "don't" etc. e.g. I am not poor, instead, say "I am wealthy".
  • Present tense - write the goal as if you have achieved it now, or say something like: "It is the 25th of January 2011 and I have..."
  • Focus - don't dwell on the goal all the time, but leave reminders such as photos, or 'post-it notes' around that you will see every now and again to keep your focus steady but relaxed.
So, to sum up, in order to achieve something, you have to set goals...

Otherwise, what on earth are you aiming for???

2. Making a Living, Not Making a Life

The belief that you have to work hard to get anywhere in life is an extremely common one. The bottom line is that if something feels like hard work, how likely are you to be happy about it? If you are working hard at something that you really loathe to do, find boring, or doesn't satisfy you, then no amount of amazing outcome will ever make the journey worthwhile.

In order to move forward in life, you need to redefine your ideas about working hard. Think of something you really love to do, maybe golf, shopping or spending time with the kids (if you don't love doing any of those, then pick something else). Now, answer this question: "How much hard work is it to do this thing?"

It's not at all hard is it? Yet, you are spending time and energy (probably as much as you can spare) on these activities. The same applies to work, business or whatever you do to eat, clothe and shelter yourself. If you really love doing what you are doing, then it's not hard work at all. There may be small parts of it that you don't enjoy so much, but generally you'll just skip through these and get on to the good stuff.

In my work (which I adore), I meet so many people who are slogging their guts out at work, striving to achieve more and earn more money. Really, they are slowly wasting away their time on things they really don't enjoy doing, in order to have enough money to buy something that might make them feel happy for a while.

Why not do what you enjoy, anyway?

Is this not your challenge, to find the thing you love to do and then do as much of it as you can? Ok, so it might not be easy to find, but I assure you that if you look and you are open to it, you will find it.

Think about the people who seem to skip happily through life, they appear to get all the breaks and the good stuff...

They are simply happy with what they are doing!

3. Wondering, "Why Does it Always Happen to Me?"

This is what I call 'self-entrapment'. Thinking thoughts like this keeps you trapped in a loop that you cannot easily escape from. Imagine a world where everything that is going to happen is governed by what has happened before! In fact the only certainty we know is death - and with advances in medical science, it wouldn't surprise me if we find a way to eradicate that little problem one day!

So why do so many of us live our lives based on this unwavering belief that things always happen this way, or bad things always happen to us?

Well, your brain believes that you need to make sense of your world and so it remembers everything that ever happens to you. Then, when it perceives that you need more information, it will present you with all the evidence to suggest what might be about to happen. The problem is that it is often passed through a filter - normally a negative one.

Now this filter is trying to do something positive for you, it is trying to keep you safe, or sane. However all that it achieves is to create fear, discomfort and indecision in you. This keeps you stuck in the past - usually with the belief that if it's happened before, then it'll happen again. In order to create lasting change in your life, you are going to need to do something different to the way you have done it previously. In order to do this, you have to believe that things can be different. "Why does it always happen to me?" is going to need to be replaced by something like, "I have the opportunity to be different and to attract new, more positive circumstances into my life."

So, you can believe that: because the last 3 major life decisions you have made haven't worked out, that there is no point making a new one now. Alternatively, you can think:

"I have learned so much from my past choices and I can build on this learning with my next choice."

One final thought, from one of the great business philosophers: "For things to change you have to change." (Jim Rohn)

Dan O'Neil is a Life Coach working in the UK. He specialises in helping people create a work-life balance, improve their confidence and self-esteem, and achieve their goals in life. Dan also writes a popular personal development blog

More information on Dan's Life Coaching services. This article forms part of a free ebook download available on Dan's website.

Get Your Goals Going With 7 Proven Steps

Are you tired of your dreams being just wishful thinking or unattainable fantasies? One major difference between a dreamer and a successful person is the ability to achieve goals. The dreamer just dreams while the successful person puts their dreams into action. Goals are the blueprint to making your dreams a reality.

Get your goals going by following these 7 proven steps:

1. Determine your goals. Establishing clear goals lay the foundation of ultimately achieving them. Put your goals on paper. Be specific. When dreams are too vague, establishing goals becomes difficult. Have a clear vision of what you want the result to be. Ask yourself, "What do I really want?" Determining what goals you really want to accomplish will make the steps to achieving them easier to define.

2. Make a Commitment. You must give 100% to seeing your goals all the way through. Adopt a no excuses approach. Be honest with yourself. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals? Are you willing to devote your time, energy, and finances if necessary? Are you ready to make sacrifices? Is your dream worth fighting for? If the desire is strong enough, you will be able to stay on track and let nothing derail you. There is no need to move forward until you can commit.

3. Plan of Action. Now that your goals are clear, you must begin to put them in motion. Develop a plan of action- specific steps that lead to accomplishing your goals. It is amazing how many people stop at just determining their goals. Success is about doing, it is about action. Really focus on your goals one at a time and ask yourself, "What actions do I need to do to accomplish it?" Identify the outcome you want, and decide what steps are needed to move forward.

4. Give Yourself Deadlines. Look at your plan of action and determine at least 3 weekly tasks that will bring you closer to achieving each of your goals. If your goal is to lose 25 lbs. in 6 months, your action tasks could be to join a gym, make an appointment with a nutritionist, and remove all junk food from kitchen. Choose your deadline and stick to it- no excuses, no matter what. You must determine tasks and deadlines on a weekly basis. You can also consider what you want to accomplish in a year, 6 months, and 1 month to help establish your weekly tasks.

5. Get prepared for roadblocks. Once you are on the road to success, you can expect some bumps along the way. It will happen, so you might as well get prepared. What has stopped you before? Chances are those same obstacles will try to stop you again. Learn ways to blast the barriers that keep you from your dreams. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones, surround yourself with supportive people, don't just quit if you can't finish a task, read at the library if you are too distracted at home. Do whatever it takes to keep you on your mission. Always remember your best protection is to keep your eye on the prize. When discouragement comes, close your eyes and visualize achieving your goal. Take it a step further and really feel that moment of victory.

6. Get support. There is nothing like the support of a trusted friend who is willing to help you. They can keep you on track to achieving your goals. They will hold you accountable and ask you how you are doing with your weekly tasks. Knowing that you have to "check-in" with someone is a huge motivator. Go over your goals, plan of action, and weekly tasks with them. You can also do activities together. Determine and agree on how best they can help you. They will be your cheerleader- always rooting for you to win. Establish some time with them at least once a week. Let your friend know where you are and what needs to be achieved for the week. Share with them any successes and disappointments along the way.

7. Celebrate the small victories. It is easy to be discouraged when it takes time to achieve your goals. Experience the beauty and victory in accomplishing all the smaller tasks that lead to your ultimate desire. Celebrating the small successes is a great way to remain motivated and inspired.

You will get your goals going by following these 7 proven steps. Momentum is powerful. Goal setting is one of the most effective tools to transforming your life. So take the necessary action now and make your goals come true today. There is nothing as rewarding, exhilarating, and satisfying as seeing your goals become a reality.

Now get those goals going!

Allyson Spellman- "The Breakthrough Muse" is a life coach and an expert on breakthroughs to success that motivate and inspire individuals worldwide. Her proven techniques for elevating personal and professional achievement refresh, recharge, and renew the way one can achieve greatness, no matter what! To receive her free special report visit http://allysonspellman.com/Test/gen-step1.php

The Times They Are Changing

We live in a very interesting time in world history. The evolution of getting to this point has never been so dynamic. Even though all the events that have taken place prior to this point in time have great significance, and the fact that it is what brought us here, our current world environment has been propelled into the 21st century with lightening speed. The advancement of technology in communications, information, and the internet has created the instant information age. And with that our conscious minds have become more inter connected with the world than ever before.

What is interesting is that this phenomenon is the staging ground for all of us to become more enlightened. We are, and always have been connected to the entire universe. We all have roots in the universe because consciousness affects our physical world, which includes all living things right down to the individual cells. Our minds have a great influence on our health and well being and on how we view the world. Our existence in the universe is born of a sense of participation and kinship with all others and all matter. The basic oneness of the universe is the central characteristic of the mystical experience, but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics, (i.e. quantum physics). But I don't want to talk about quantum theory; I want to talk about the human connectedness, and what I detect as a shift in the thinking of more and more people.

Because of the information age, a fast paced lifestyle, what's in it for me attitude, and a win at all cost mentality, too many people began losing sight of the connection we all have with each other and the universe. The ideal of we are all in this together was fading, and taking responsibility for the common good of all, had begun to disappear. Over the last decade, an exponential amount of negative actions and the pursuits of an ideology of egotism have brought us to this juncture. But there is hope because I see the beginning of a change in the minds of many people.

Now, more than ever people are placing an increased importance on relationships. Taking stock of what really matters, like family, friends, and community. There is a new awareness that we are all connected to the universe, and that human consciousness and the physical world are intertwined. The realization is that there is a profound interaction that exists between conscious mental activity and the physical world itself.

We cannot separate our own existence from that of the outside world. We are not only associated with the earth that we inhabit, but with the furthest reaches of the cosmos. We affect all of those about us, so events such as caring, loving, and confiding exert profound consequences on the universe.

Following the Laws of Attraction, the universe gives us what we want if follow our dreams and our passions, but it also takes away if we lose sight of that connection that exists between us all. I believe that there is a change in the winds of time because there is the beginning of an understanding of this relationship. Maybe, just maybe it could be the start of the new Age of Enlightenment.


Owner : EnerChi Living Spaces & Gallery. We are a unique Home & Garden decor store. Specializing in Feng Shui design and consultation. We offer one-of-a-kind gifts and personalized ideas for decorating your home, garden and office. We offer workshops in Feng Shui decorating, meditation, journal writing, and manifesting your dreams. We support our local artists and musicians with shows and vignettes. Our merchandise is selected from all over the world with an emphasis on Asian Western design. The store exhibits a unique blend of products in a tranquil peaceful setting. We have just launched a home staging service for our local market. We have just completed an expansion to over 2,000 square ft. and our new website has launched. http://www.enerchilivingspaces.com

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mosaic Pool Tiles - Important Tips Before Installation!

Mosaic Pool Tiles - Why do they get so popular in recent years? One of the best advantages of using these nature-made tiles is the fact that anyone can use them: from home-makers to professional interior designers. Learn about the latest tiling techniques and how they are about to change the way you decorate and remodel your home's interior and exterior.

Basic introduction

Mosaic Pool Tiles are actually a collection of similar looking small flat stones that are selected by hand and then fixed onto a sq/ft mesh backing seamless tile. It is probably about the unique natural conditions that made the Indonesian beach pebbles the leading source of these nature-made tiles. This is an excellent solution if you plan or redecorating in the following areas: 1) Kitchens 2) Bathrooms 3) Floors and Walls 4) Patio flooring 5) Countertops etc.

What is in it for us?

Finally, when looking at the bottom line, there are several important advantages:

+ Easily installed over existing surfaces such as old ceramics or plain concrete.

+ Installation process is quick and takes only a few hours.

+ Easy to be cleaned and maintained.


+ Epoxy based grouts are considered stronger than conventional grout, however take in mind that they are less forgiving to the ignorant installer.

+ Using grout should be handled carefully so it is recommended to grout a small area at a time.

+ Use a tile saw in order to cut stones to fit edges or corners.


Mosaic Pool Tiles remodeling offers countless options as these nature-made panels come in many shapes and colors to easily match the decor of any home or office setting. We could list many other important benefits provided by this quick redecoration option, simply because it provides numerous opportunities whether for the average or professional home-makers. It is recommended to bear in mind the above tips just as you decide on using these natural panels.

Get creative! - Learn more about how you can easily decorate with Mosaic Pool Tiles

Sloping Floors in Your House

If you've ever been in a building where you feel like you are getting pushed to one side and you can't seem to stand up. You have either been drinking too much alcohol or the floor could be sloping. I was just in a store the other day that was full of antiques and glass but I could hardly stand up because the floor was sloping enough to create what I would consider a liability issue to the store owner.

Sloping floors are not going to be that easy to fix and repair. Repairing these floors will require a little skill and it would be a good idea to hire a professional to repair the damage. This is not going to be a simple fix and this is probably the main reason most people never choose to fix their sloping floors.

Fixing these floors will require either pouring a new concrete slab, replacing the wood floor framing members or replacing the actual building foundation itself. No matter how you look at it the sloping floor is going to be a costly item to repair.

What causes a sloping floor? Termite damage or dry rot destroying the wood framing or it could be as simple as a water leak over a long period of time causing the building foundation to sink and become out of level. Poor soil conditions with either too sandy or an expansive clay soil could be the culprit also.

Sloping floors can be damaged from incorrect landscape drainage. This would involve water settling around the foundation of your home and over a period of time the weight of the house along with soil problems can create the building to start sloping to one side.

The number one contributor to a sloping floor again like most damage done to a house is going to be water. Do your best to keep the water away from the house using roof gutters and landscape drains. These items are relatively inexpensive compared to the costs involved in repairing sloping floors.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Find out more about Water Damage.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Significance of the Feast of Tabernacles Today and the Birth of Jesus Christ

Following Yom Kippur comes the Feast of Tabernacles, at the end of September or beginning of October, when Jews remember the forty days they spent in the wilderness, living in tabernacles or booths or tents. You will find the details in Leviticus Chapter 23.

This is the season of the year when Jesus was born. John tells us how Jesus Christ tabernacled amongst us. We need to remember that when it comes to December. Facts are important. Truth and accuracy is vital.

In Jerusalem, and Jewish communities around the world, decorated booths can be seen in gardens or balconies, during the Feast of Tabernacles.

For eight days people will have their meals in these flimsy temporary shelters, some even sleeping under the palm branch roofing, through which the sky can be seen.

It is a time for remembering and giving thanks to God, Who led His People, leading and bringing them to the Promised Land, a phrase we seldom hear these days.

Not only do the people remember, but they celebrate with willow, myrtle, palm and lemon. Each has a significance.

For over 3,000 years the people of Israel have kept and observed this Feast. Why? So that your descendents will know all about your being slaves in Egypt and how God set you free.

On the last day of the Feast in Jerusalem, the High Priest would take a container down to the Pool of Siloam returning to the Temple with it full of water. There was prayer for water for the crops, and for Messiah to come and refresh them.

John speaks of Jesus being in Jerusalem for the Feast, and on that day, shouting out in a loud voice, "If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink". Jesus saw people who had been at an eight day Feast or 'Conference' and they were dissatisfied. They had not had their spiritual needs truly met, and Jesus invited them to come to Him. Check this out in John Chapter 7.

Jesus was thinking too of the future when He would pour out the Holy Spirit.

If you are dry, dissatisfied, spiritually thirsty, confused or burdened, drink from Jesus Christ, and then you can refresh others.

Prime your pump and allow the rivers to flow.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at http://www.studylight.org entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw

Construction Estimating - In Southern California

Many contractors use a blank sheet of paper (or worse yet, the back of an envelope), or construction estimating forms, or just a word processor to estimate their jobs. There are also cost books that have thousands of prices in them that are used by many contractors to create estimates for their jobs. If this is you, you're probably losing thousands of dollars every year.

After talking with thousands of contractors over the years it's clear to me that this type of estimating is not the best way of doing it. The challenge is that it's difficult to spot duplications and missing items in your estimate, if it's more that a couple of dozen items.

I believe that the best way to create your estimates, no matter how you do them, it to do them by, what I call, sections. Many people have different names for section, like tasks, classes, categories and so on. Simply put, sections are a way of organizing your estimates in a way that reduces the probability that you'll make an error. Sections are, for example, Site Preparation, Foundations, Framing, Roofing, Electrical, Landscaping, and so on.

The reason this reduces you likelihood of making an error is that every item you add to the estimate is put into a section. Digging and pouring the foundation and items associated with that go into the Foundation Section. All the framing items (labor and materials) go into the Framing section, Roofing items go into the Roofing section, and so on.

So, let's take a look at how this works. As preparing the estimate you put each of the items into the appropriate section. It's also a good idea to total your costs for each section as well.

When you've finished the estimate, you now go back and review each section. Looking at the total for each section gives you an idea if you're in the right ball park to begin with. Then you review each of the items in each section to make sure you don't have any duplicate items. As you're reviewing each section you finally review that everything you need to complete, for example, the foundation is in the Foundation section. You go through each of the sections to confirm that you've got everything you need in the estimate you're going to give to your prospect.

You'll find lists of sections at:
which you're free to use and modify to fit your specific needs.

By the way, if you're not at least using a spreadsheet to prepare your estimates, you should do that as well because a spreadsheet will automatically do your calculations eliminating errors in mathematics in your estimates. For the small cost of a spreadsheet and the time to learn how to use it, you can save yourself hours of frustration and errors in your construction estimating.

Christopher Carpenter is the developer of LiteningFast Estimating. LiteningFast is an estimating program that helps you estimate faster, easier and more accurately. It's integrated with QuickBooks to provide job cost.

It was introduced to the market in 1994 and currently has over 3,500 users in the US, Canada, and around the world.

You can find more information at contractor construction estimating. You'll be glad you did.

Information about construction estimating software for contractors is available.

Shower Stall Curtains

Most people prefer to relax in bathtubs. However, some people have other equipment that allows them to have a quick bath. The equipment is built in the bathroom to prevent the seeping out of water as you bathe. The equipment is available in different colors and designs. Besides, there are different sizes and prices to suit you.

Some types are door less and they make the bathroom look different and neat. The equipment can be beautified using shower stall curtains. These curtains are a cheap way of providing a refreshing relaxing environment. The curtains make the place appear elegant and stylish. They are available in different colors and patterns. You should choose according to your taste.

Shower stall curtains are available in various materials. Most are made from vinyl. The curtains can be customized to suit your needs. You simply need to consult the concerned company. For the door less type, the curtains must very long. This is to prevent water from splashing onto the toilet and messing up the floor. It prevents accidents that can occur when water is on the floor.

To obtain shower stall curtains, visit the household department of a nearby mall. You can also order from the Internet. Different companies showcase their designs from which you can choose from. You can easily compare prices and choose your that suits your pocket. If however you are not satisfied with what the companies offer, make your own curtains. You can get ideas from various web sites on how to make the curtains.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Shower Curtain. For More Information on Shower Stall Curtains, Visit His Site at SHOWER STALL CURTAINS

You Can Also Add Your Views About Shower Stall Curtains At My Blog here SHOWER STALL CURTAINS

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Similarities and Differences of Pilates and Yoga

You can barely turn on the TV nowadays without hearing about Pilates or Yoga. When you take up a magazine, you are bound to find articles about these two exercise methods and it seems like everyone is doing either one or the other. What is all of the excitement about? Why are these techniques so special? What are the differences and similarities between Pilates and Yoga?

Yoga aims to unite the body, mind, and spirit. The person who aspires to do Yoga views that the body and mind are one. They believe that if the body is given the right tools and is taken to the proper environment then the body can find harmony and will be able to heal itself. Yoga is considered to be therapeutic. You will have a heightened awareness of your body's alignment, posture, and patterns of movement. Yoga tends to make your body more flexible and it will help you to relax even if you are in the middle of a stress stricken environment. Therefore, one of the most important reasons as to why people start practicing Yoga is that they want to feel more energetic, be more happy, feel more fit and be at peace.

One performs Yoga mainly in a group setting on a special Yoga mat with the help of a Yoga instructor. You use your body's own weight for resistance. You must also focus a great deal of your attention to the flow from one posture into that of another. Yoga styles are varied and there is not one style that is considered to be better than another. These styles also vary in their emphasis, and the style you choose is a matter of personal preference.

Pilates also seeks to reach many of the same goals as does Yoga by way of a series of movements that are very controlled. The major difference between Pilates and Yoga is that while doing Pilates exercises not only makes use of a mat, but it also incorporates work on different Pilates machines. The main thrust of the Pilates exercises is to improve posture, strengthen the abdominal muscles, improve balance, lengthen and stabilize the spine and improve overall strength. Pilates will tend to give you a leaner, longer, dancer-like line.

A Whole Body Workout

Unlike a variety of other training programs, Pilates makes an effort to work the whole body and places its emphasis on precision, control, and concentration in both the body as well as the mind. There is no attempt made at doing many repetitions at a time in a rapid, haphazard fashion. Instead, the focus is placed on quality and not the amount of reps you do. The "powerhouse" that consists of the lower back, abdominal muscles and the buttocks are at the center of all movement and this allows the rest of your body to move fluidly and freely. When one focuses on core stabilization, it makes the student stronger from the inside out.

This is critical for the advancement of the Pilates student. Pilates is low impact by nature and, therefore, it is ideal for the prevention of injury and for rehabilitation. Pilates has six guiding principles - concentration, centering, flow, control, breathing and precision. These principles train the body to move more efficiently while placing minimal impact on the body. With Pilates, there is a definite balance between flexibility and strength that creates a vigorous, symmetrical and health workout for all of the different muscle groups, which will result in a more balanced, leaner, and stronger body.

There are a range of DVD's on sale at http://www.pilatesorstretchforbackpain.com which have been recommended by a leading British Osteopath/Physiotherapist

Please visit my blog at http://www.stretchorpilatesforbackpain.com

The author, Steven Giles is a 55 year old former accountant who has been suffering from back pain for several years and has found that Pilates provides relief from this. He lives in Greater Manchester in the North-West of England

Kitchen Fire Damage - Carlsbad Home Repairs

Kitchen fires are possible and they happen a lot every year around the world. Kitchen fires can be started from the stove, oven, cooking in general, wires, and other things. So it is good to keep a close eye on your cooking and the appliances you use. If you buy a house, you need to check if there has been any fire in the kitchen because if it is not checked out fully, it can cause it to happen again. Wires can still be burned or be exposed or melted that may have been left there after the fire that no one found.

You also need to check if there is any fire damage left behind the walls because that is not good to have in the house. Those areas might be weak. Make sure all the walls and boards to the floor have been changed so there is not charring and danger to you. When you are cooking, keep kids out of the room so they will not get hurt, and you need to watch every pan you use and watch how you cook. Because if you don't, things can happen, such as fires, flames shooting out, which can burn the wall, and it can run the wires to the burner. Also if you do not watch what you are doing and how hot the pots can get, the metal to the pot can form a hole in it and can shoot sparks everywhere.

This can happen whether there is something frying or boiling and it can melt the burner as well. If you are frying something you need to watch the oil because it can splatter out and get on the floor, which can cause you to slip and fall. If it causes you to get burned by the oil, it will cause fire damage to your skin. You have to keep all plug-ins away from the oil because the oil can get in the plug-ins and cause it to spark. Watch your appliances because they can cause fire by malfunction in the cords and if the appliances do not work right. They can cause shorts on the cords and start the plug-ins on fire, which can cause melting and damages to the wires.

This can cause a fire in the walls, and it can start the appliances on fire as well. You need to watch what you cook in the oven because if it cooks for too long, it can start the food on fire, causing smoke to come out of the oven. You need to have a fire extinguisher. It is very important that you do just in case a fire comes up and it is burning your house. To prevent a fire, you can turn the stove on low or medium-high so it will not get so hot and you might not burn your food. Check all appliances before using them, watch everything you do, and check all plug-ins as well.

Adyan Corkern is a writer for bogalusa blog and water damage virginia.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Painting For a Quick Face Lift

Painting is probably the quickest and cheapest fixes for your home. Your house is going to look better right away, and if you are selling, you will get back more money than you put into the project.

You are vulnerable to particles and fumes when you are sanding, painting, or working with solvents. Protect your skin by wearing cotton gloves when using sharp or abrasive tools. Wear latex gloves when working with paint. Wear neoprene gloves when handling solvents, strippers, and harsh chemicals. Protect your eyes by wearing safety glasses when working with tools. Wear goggles to protect against dust and aerosol droplets when sanding, spraying, or painting over your head. To protect your lungs sand, paint, and strip outside, or cross ventilate with a least 2 open windows or doors. If there is a danger of breathing dust, aerosol, or solvent fumes, filter the air with a respirator.

Priming is essential and helps ensure a professional looking paint job. primer is fundamental to good looking walls, not a way to sell you one more paint product. It is a specially formulated product designed to:

Increase adhesion.

Help the finish coat develop maximum sheen.

Give the finish coat a uniform appearance.

Increase the finish coat coverage.

prevent blemishes on an old surface form bleeding through the new coat of paint.

Add to metal corrosion resistance.

In preparation for painting:

1. Move furniture away from walls and protect floor and baseboards with 12-inch base board masking and a paper/poly drop cloth

2. Set Popped nails or screws, repair cracks and holes, and fill dents with light weight crack filler.

3. Let the crack filler dry based on instruction.

4. Treat any areas of mildew with 3-to-1 water/bleach solution and protect your hands with rubber gloves.

5. Rinse the entire wall surface with clean, fresh water and let the wall dry overnight.Clean with a TSP solution before you prime and paint.

6. Spot prime all of the repaired areas with a latex stain-blocking primer.

7. Prime the entire wall with the same stain -blocking primer for uniformity.

Glossy paints dry to a hard, nonporous surface; therefore, it is almost impossible for new paint to adhere effectively. Glossy surface lack what painters call "tooth," or roughness, which gives the paint something to stick to. A light sanding or use of a chemical deglosser will do the trick to for a "tooth."

Although priming is vital to lasting finish and a great looking room, there are also sound economic reasons for a good priming job. Primer is not just a watery paint. It is formulated to adhere well to a variety of surfaces and seals them to prevent stains and discoloration from bleeding through the final coat.

Mask the room and determine the order for painting the room. Paint last the areas that are likely to get dripped on. Prime and paint ceiling first, and walls second, and trim last. If you plan to prime the trim with a different tint than you will use on the walls, mask the trim first. Mask the top of the walls if you are painting the ceiling. Mask the ceiling and trim if you are starting with the walls.

If using latex, dip the brush in water to help absorb the primer. If using alkyd, dip the brush in mineral spirits. Brush out the liquid on a piece of cardboard to remove loose bristles. Brush primer on areas of walls and trim that need special attention: patches in drywall and plaster, areas of bare wood exposed by scraping and sanding, and any spots treated with stain blocker.

It if hard for a dry roller to absorb primer or paint. So prime the roller before you put it in the primer or paint. If the prime is latex, spritz the roller with a garden mister and squeeze off the excess water. Use mineral spirits for alkyd primer. Run the roller over the paint grid or roller pan several times to get an even amount of primer on the roller cover.

Prime the ceiling. Start on the short side of the room and "cut in" the edges about 2 inches wide and about 5 feet long along the edge of the ceiling. Then, wearing safety goggles and an old cap , roll paint onto the ceiling, working the roller into the cut-in areas to remove as many brush marks as possible. Roll with diagonal strokes and move from the edge toward the middle of the room. Continue cutting in and rolling until your are finished.

Cut in a section of the wall. Wait until the ceiling dries and mask it off with blue painter's masking tape. Mask off the trim if you haven't already done so. Starting in a corner, prime along about 5 feet of trim, 5 feet of ceiling, and from top to bottom of the corner.

To minimize the wall area that will have a brush-stroke texture, run the roller over the strips you have primed during the cutting stage, getting as close as possible to the masked trim, ceiling, or adjacent wall.

Begin rolling at the top section of the wall along the cut-in strip. Sand the walls if necessary. Roll the ceiling with the finish color. When the primer is dry, mask around the ceiling. After cutting in a section, start rolling, Protect your eyes with safety goggles and wear an old cap. A 5-gallon bucket with a roller grid requires a filling less often and is less likely to tip than a paint tray. Use a relatively dry roller to reduce spattering. Roll diagonally, as you did to prime, to avoid creating visible rows across the ceiling. Extension poles you to reach more areas without leaning dangerously from a ladder. Then after apply the finish putting on the paint. You can apply more than one coat if you feel that is necessary.

Prime and paint the trims, remove the masking for the walls, allow the pain to dry thoroughly, and mask off for the trim. Control dripping by pouring the trim paint into a small bucket and dip the trim paint into a small bucket and dip the trim paint into a small bucket and dip the brush about halfway into the paint. Tap the brush against the sides instead of scraping it around the rim to remove excess paint in the tip of the brush; This will leave paint in the body of the brush.

Continue painting the delicate areas like the windows and edges with caution until you are completed with your paint job. Your paint job will end up looking professional, because it was done using the right steps.


Dangers of Walking on a House Roof

Here's some things to think about before walking on the roof of a house. If you slip and fall off the roof you could get hurt seriously. For your own safety if you have no experience walking on a roof use extreme caution. I would even suggest using a ladder and moving the latter around the perimeter of the house if you are inspecting the roof for damage.

Here's some things to keep in mind before walking on a house roof.

1. If the building is above two stories hire a contractor especially if you think the roof has building damage.

2. If the roof is too steep stay off. This could be extremely hazardous to your health.

3. If the roof is severely damaged and has loose shingles or tiles, this could create a safety hazard as you slip on one of these loose shingles and possibly fall off the roof.

4. You should stay off the roof at all costs if there is snow or ice. Ice obviously is extremely slippery and would be difficult to walk on. The difficulty would be increased if the roof has a steep slope.

5. Now last but not least if the roof is wet you should avoid walking on it until it is dry. I have been on wet roofs before and personally slipped myself losing my balance but not falling off of the roof.

Climbing up on a roof and walking around is not child's play and should be left to an experienced professional . If you feel comfortable walking around on any roof please use caution. If you slip in the middle of the roof there is a good chance you will be able to regain your balance or have time to stop yourself before falling off.

I would suggest using caution near the edges of the roof. If the roof is too steep or you don't feel comfortable, why risk serious injury. Use common sense along with the proper ladders to ensure your safety and "Think before walking on a house roof."

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.