Sunday, May 31, 2009

Separation of Church and State? Says Who?

Excerpts from fellowship about the real Jesus and the role of Christians in society today:

If you understood that Yeshua is the I AM - He not only had the Canaanites destroyed for their pagan religious practices, He sent Israel and Judah into captivity for refusing to follow His biblical religion and as Yeshua drove out of "My Father's House" the moneychangers with a whip in His hand! Certainly that was met with raised eyebrows and shaking of heads, not to mention FEAR! Yes, fear religion!

And anybody who is a Christian who dares to deny that Christ will rule, as necessary with a ROD OF IRON, enforcing PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, simply is either in denial or woefully ignorant of the biblical King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will soon reign on Earth from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE!

You're talking Old Testament.

I'm talking the Law and the Prophets that Yeshua upheld and will enforce when He reigns perfectly from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE, giving different strokes for different folks.

Notice that God hasn't ordered the execution of anyone since Jesus walked the earth.

Yes, He has, time and again through the Law and the Prophets that haven't been made null and void by the tender mercies of our God, the Sermon on the Mount, except for those who are truly repentant as we can best determine with the help of God. Why do you think it is written about the ministers of State: "He bears not the SWORD in vain?" And that such ministers of state are to enforce the Law of God, serving as the vengeance of God? Romans 13 shows God has ordered the execution and other forms of punishment upon lawbreakers since Christ, since His Word remains true and hasn't changed or been altered to accommodate fickle men and fleeting societies.

Jesus never told us to establish any form of government on earth. He clearly taught that His kingdom was not of this earth. If He wanted a government here now, He would have made one here, now. We, as disciples, are not called to rule here or even govern here.

Now you sound like the traditional Worldwide Church of God and those groups who have forsaken it in droves since the Great Apostasy after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, concerning avoiding politics, shirking your responsibilities, your civic DUTIES, failing to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's, and by such woeful neglect and sinful negligence, have forfeited the reigns of government to the wicked and then cry about how awful things are! "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I submit they're not such good men or they would do something!

Yeshua revealed HIS Kingdom of God-Beings, the ruling Kingdom-Family of God administering the Law of God, is yet future, that's true, of which He will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. However, as the I AM, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He has established an earthly kingdom called Israel and Judah today, our family of nations - the Anglo-Saxon and white peoples of Northwestern Europe with our Jewish brethren. And to us, which includes those called to be Christians now: "REMEMBER THE LAW OF MOSES MY SERVANT WITH THE STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS" (Malachi 4:4).

God calls upon our Israelite family of nations to RESTORE HIS LAW AND ORDER, and we'll receive blessing to the degree we love and obey and He will bless our NATIONAL EFFORTS that reflect national repentance, learning to go by God's Word as LAW, trusting in His wisdom, rather than leaning to our own understanding with all our different political parties of men. We must recognize we are suffering national curses for national disobedience and repent and avert further national disasters (Daniel 9:11). God will draw near to us as we draw near to Him. God's Kingdom on Earth has always been through the physical descendants of Jacob-Israel, and we're to be a TYPE of the future Kingdom of God-Beings that will reign over us as we reign over other nations.

We are called to be Christ on earth. To show others by our example, who He is. Would Jesus have advocated war? How about slaughter?

Yes, we are called to reflect Christ on Earth, and our NATION is called to reflect GOD on Earth, as a "Light to all nations," a MODEL NATION for others to follow, seeing our sound mindedness and wisdom, peace and prosperity from following God's heavenly law here on Earth.

Christ would certainly advocate war, if and whenever necessary, without hesitation, as revealed in the Law and the Prophets, the Law of Moses that our peoples and professing Christians have forgotten to our confusion and shame! Onward Christian Soldiers!

This is where groups like the KKK confuse the heck out of me. They obviously don't know Christ. If they did, they'd know that He'd never treat another human the way they do.

I don't know a single member of the KKK and from personal experience know how a group's beliefs can be misrepresented by hysterical mobs. If the KKK is biblical on this or that, I support them on this or that. Where they're not biblical, I would say so and not offer support but call upon them to change.

The racist NAACP obviously doesn't know Christ or they wouldn't judge everything falsely by the color of someone's skin rather than the content of character (while ignoring national issues that are biblically based on ethnicity), and they wouldn't hold people down and under and back so they can keep their self-important positions they've prostituted themselves for at the expense of their own people whom they've sold down the river, listening to the siren calls of the race hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both of whom should move to Africa and lead the way and create opportunities for others to follow. I would support them expressing such creativity in action instead of always cursing the real or imagined darkness rather than lighting a candle.

So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. Jesus taught us to turn the cheek, love our enemy, bring peace and love to the sick and hurting. Deliver others of demons and heal the sick. I see none of this in our government body and I see very, very little of this in the corporate church body.

God's one government has two branches. Jesus was talking to individuals (Sermon the Mount) and He was talking to the NATION (10 Commandments/Law of Moses) when He revealed how we are to live. So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. He said to expel sworn enemies from our Land; to execute various criminals and cleanse the Land, to wage war, if and whenever necessary, and not to show the mercy of fools to nations or individuals who hate our guts and would slit our throats their first opportunity. We're to love our neighbor as ourselves, not more than ourselves.

Yeshua said to be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves." He was referring to an ATTITUDE, a willingness to go the extra mile, out of our way, but not indefinitely! If we take all of Yeshua's teaching on any given subject, rather than twist His teachings into some hippy pacifism, you'll see there's a time and a place, which is why He could act so violent and knock over tables and chairs and drive both men and animals from the Temple with a WHIP IN HIS HAND!

Certainly doesn't fit the traditional false image, does it? His harsh words against the religious leaders of His day certainly weren't smooth and pleasant to listen to, especially if you were on the receiving end of His verbal attacks! And when He reigns, He will rule with a ROD OF IRON and rebuke some nations, punish others and even destroy some.

Folks would do well to not try to tell the REAL JESUS about His teachings or to remember His Sermon on the Mount! Jesus will perfectly exercise the Law of Moses tempered by the Sermon on the Mount, as divine wisdom calls for, and we're called to whatever extent we're offered in this life to do the same, whether it's in the home, office, pulpit or political position. That's why our kings, our rulers, are commanded by God to read and study His Word daily that it may be the LAW OF THE LAND, and they can be humbled by realizing they're merely human instruments of God's grace, God's rod and staff.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Crawl Space Repairs

Thesis Writing Material And Where To Find It

If you are planning to find thesis writing materials, you need to know exactly what your topic is and how you will convey your information. You want to have a broad range for your topic to cover everything, but not to board to lose the scope of the issue that you will be stressing. If your paper requires any special equipment to demonstrate or experiment, you need to have available equipment or somewhere to go to use the equipment. Make sure you can summarize your paper in one paragraph. If not, the subject material may be too broad. You will need to narrow in on a specific thing pertaining to your topic.

Thesis writing does not happen over night. You know you are going to be required to write a thesis and should start months ahead of time doing research and reading. When you have some spare time, do some research for your thesis. It takes a great deal of time to research and find all the materials you are going to use in your paper. If you do not start early enough, you may find you have a below average paper that you cannot effectively defend. Research is the backbone of a thesis.

Once again, as you are researching your thesis topic, write paragraphs summarizing what you are reading. This will help you when you begin your thesis writing. Never depend on your mind to remember everything you read. You will also need to site sources used to gather your information. The more information you collect the more you will have to write your paper. Always keep notes, sources and any experiments you have together for easy review. Organization is another important part of writing a thesis. Everything should be in order so you do not have to jump around when you begin writing.

Before you begin researching and actually writing your thesis, you can break it down into sections to make it more manageable to handle. Thesis writing is not like writing an e-book or an essay, it is much larger and time consuming. Always work with your advisor when writing your thesis so the paper is exactly what you want to convey to the reader. Strong points are needed to oppose opposition to your thesis. Defend is a word you will hear many times when writing a thesis and you need to be able to do this easily.

MR ANTHONY D ROBINSON owns and operates
Thesis Writing

Car Runs Into Garage Damage

Studying on Faith Alone - Education Can Often Be Hard on Religious Faith

It's probably hard to find facts if your mind is already made up. If you're trying to find information on anything, more than likely you will find exactly what you're looking for, if you look hard enough. With all the information out there, available in books, media, and of course the Internet, would we really know the honest to God truth if we ran into one.

Not something that man made up and forced our ancestors to believe in.

If you're studying on faith alone and trying to prove or disprove something, you will succeed. If you're reading the Bible and looking for answers to problems in your life, eventually you will find the answers. All you need is to believe in your God and he will show you the way. Has he truly shown you the way or are you basing your religious beliefs on faith alone.

I have studied the Bible for many years and came to the conclusion that, I was often blinded by the way I view the information and couldn't get the facts most of the time. I always enjoyed reading Proverbs and the story of Job, both of these books in the Bible inspired me to become a better person.

By studying the Bible without faith and looking for information based on facts, it wasn't long before I realized this book could be and I say could be a group of stories that man over the centuries combined into one book during the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D and became religious doctrine for Christians.

In order to study anything effectively, you need to keep an open mind, this might require you to reprogram your thinking. You have been taught for years that only your religion is correct and all other religions are wrong. You can't think like this and gather information effectively.

Studying on faith alone could close your mind and keep you on the path of spiritual resistance. You know you're on this path if only the things you believe in make sense. Nothing nobody else says can make much sense if you're studying on faith alone.

What would it hurt to read a life changing spiritual book on another religion or form of spirituality? If you can't read another religious book, because you're religious organization tells you to only read their spiritual books to gather information, you're following a path of spiritual resistance.

If you're really going to study on faith alone then I suggest studying with intention to learn instead of follow.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended reading, Stories from the Old Testament

Greg is currently working on a religious and spiritual answers library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Behind Wood Lath Plater

The Carnal Mind

It has come to my attention, many years ago, that the mind, body, and spirit, are at war with each other. This knowledge coming threw the teachings of the Holy Spirit. The Mind is carnal, seeking after the control of the flesh, and the spirit. The carnal mind is a self serving entity and will resist all out side influences to change or control. The mind of man controls, memory, and all decision making processes. The choice to sin or not, comes from the mind.

The Bible tells us that where there is no law, there is no sin, for sin is a transgression of the Law. Sin comes into being when the mind accepts the idea that there is good and evil. A man is born into sin, but he is not born with sin, this comes later, when the mind obtains freedom of choice, and the knowledge of good and evil.

This is proved in Rom 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)

David stated; Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psa 51:5) The flesh controls nothing, but is controlled by one, or the other, spirit or mind. The flesh is a container of both of these.

Is the mind necessary to the function of the body? Yes. The body tells the mind when it is hungry, thirsty, or in pain.With this knowledge the mind takes the appropriate actions. The flesh does have the ability to influence the mind, when it desires to be satisfied by its own lust for, pleasure, or satisfaction. But within itself it can do nothing.

As I have said before, the carnal mind is a self serving identity, it begins it quest for control at the time of conception, and resist change. We are carnal when we allow the mind to control all aspects of our lives, this also includes the workings of good and evil. The mind does not only control the decisions that we make, but it also resist the very faith that we exercise. Yes, the carnal mind resist faith. Here is when the carnal mind starts putting doubt within the believer, and doubt turns into unbelief. For me unbelief is the second greatest sin of all, preceded only by the blaspheme of the Holy Ghost. Where does the mind gain all of its power? From God. This is what God explains as the freedom of Choice, the fallen angels had it, as we do. So with this power, the mind does everything it can to control.

The mind becomes a danger when Satan gets control of it. This is where we see lawlessness and war, greed and lust, theft and murder. The mind will resist only the truths that interfere with its control of the lust of the flesh, and the pride of the eyes, and the pride of life. This is why many reject Jesus, because they are still carnal minded. We see this also in the double minded. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:7-8.)

A double minded man is allowing the mind, to share control of the body, with the spirit. This is a dangerous situation, and must be eliminated. For a mans salvation depends upon total faith, in Jesus being the Son of God. With doubts taking over from time to time, this mans life is a miserable one, with many pitfalls, and trouble.

The carnal mind will allow deception within itself, to stop, or at least, hinder the truth, from becoming easily known. We see this here in 2Pe 3:16 ; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. We even have a witness to this control in scripture, when Jesus had to explain flesh, and spirit, to Nicodemus. (John 3:8-10) The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? To be carnal minded is to be un-regenerated; not renewed in heart; remaining at enmity with God. Many say they speak from the heart, but what they are actually saying is, they are speaking from their spirit. Each and every man has a spirit, also do the animals of the earth, but what separates us from the animals is, our freedom of choice, the mind, body, and spirit, in wisdom of good, and evil.

Those that refuse the truth, and those that are in doubt of the promises of God, are still yet carnal minded. This is proven in; 1Co 3:3; For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? We cannot allow the carnal mind to take hold of our way of life, this will lead to destruction of not only the body, but also the soul.(Spirit.) I see a wonderful explanation of this in James 4:17; Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. If we know to have faith, and then refuse to allow the spirit free reign over our actions, do we not then commit a sin? If we see our brother, hungry, naked, thirsty, or in need of the carnal things, and close up our spirit to him, do we also sin? Yes. For if we say the Love of God dwells within us, and we do not do that which is good, we have lied, and the Love of God does not dwell within us.

As the carnal mind resists faith in God, we must look within ourselves, and seek additional faith, and strength, to resist doubts. Is faith easy to show, is it easy to obtain? No. Faith must be first accepted by the spirit, and forced on the mind. For the carnal mind will resist things that it cannot see or feel. Faith must be practiced and grown. Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Our spirit overcomes the world by over coming the carnal mind. If we control the mind, the world can do nothing to change us, even when the greatest of trials and troubles befall us. We are made overcomes by the word of God.

1Pe 5:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. My brothers and sisters, control the mind, and the mountain can be removed, control the mind and the sickness shall be healed, control the mind and we can see the gates of heaven open up to us. Ars.

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Ministries

Damaged Wood Window

By God's Good Grace Alone

I breathe; I stand; I urinate; I laugh; I cry; I drive a car; I break bad habits; I feel; I knock; I cogitate; we can make love, my wife and I; I can admire and adore; I sit; they revile me; we please people; I try hard and don't give up; we possess things; I act gracefully; I repent and forgive; I read and write;

We play with each other; I experience joy and sorrow, peace and turmoil; I walk; I talk; I listen; we pick things up with our hands; I tie my shoe laces; we have family; we know love; I help someone; I feel good about it; I trust and respect others; I produce children;

We watch them grow; they develop--physically and spiritually, and ideas for living--from us; I have a gender, a personality, and a uniqueness; we stub our toes; we experience all emotions from bliss to anguish; I choose--we choose--they choose;

We can dance and sing; I can think and imagine; I can stay up or lie down; we can work; we can rest from work; we can reflect on the good we've done; I can balance my life; I can them and they can help me; I can know things and share this knowledge; I can choose and then live by my values;

We share the experience of life; we can love or hate; I can choose to accept his offer of divine salvation; finally, I will die.

We will all die one day... having lived. By God's good grace alone we can live forever.

Copyright 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Attic Sheeting Water Damage

When the Yeast of God Begins to Work Anything Can Happen As Prayer is Answered and the Spirit Flows

There are many people praying in the United Kingdom - and I am sure wherever you are reading this - for Revival - an outpouring of the Holy Spirit - for our gracious loving God to move again.

We have seen it over many years - Abraham - Joshua - David - Isaiah and Jeremiah and the other anointed prophets - Peter, Paul, John and James, following the death and resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.

Down through the centuries there have been times when God has broken through. I remember seeing that what was really important was not so much Church History as Kingdom History, when there was a breaking through of the Kingdom of God.

The yeast of God was at work.

In the 1960's and 70's we witnessed a global outpouring of the Spirit of God when every nation and denomination was affected to some degree. Of course, there were those who sat with their umbrellas up hoping they would not be touched or 'splashed'!

When God moves He moves sovereignly and that is what we are looking for and praying for in these present days. Consider what happened when Moses was leading the people of God out slavery in Egypt towards the promised Land. How did it all begin? With a mighty sovereign move of God in answer to the cries of the people. We read that in Exodus.

Read of how God released the Hebrew slaves from bondage in Egypt, under the leadership of Moses. At midnight the Lord struck, and the firstborn in Egypt died. Every Hebrew home was protected by the blood of a lamb which had been slain.

Take a moment to read the actual text in Exodus Chapter 12.

Realise the supreme importance of the blood of the lamb - that lamb which had been sacrificed in accordance with the instructions of Moses as he received them from Almighty God.

For us today the Lamb - our Passover Lamb is Jesus Christ. We read of that in the New Testament. So many appear totally unaware of the significance of the blood of the Lamb.

It was not Moses job to change, modify, water down, or edit the instructions. That would have meant disaster. We are living in a day when the so-called church wants to do so many of these very things.

Although leader of the nation, Moses was, in one sense, like a message boy, where his calling, task, and role was to deliver the message and not judge the content of the message.

There is only one thing that saves us from judgement and the consequences of sin, and that is the blood of the lamb, and our Passover Lamb is Jesus Christ, Whose blood was shed and whose life was sacrificed.

Pharaoh had said he never wanted to see Moses and Aaron again, yet at this time of national crisis he called these two men in. For Pharaoh it was a bit too late.

Be careful what you do. Be careful what you say. If you are rash and impetuous you may have to retract your words, and that can be embarrassing.

Moses is told, "Up, leave and go". O, if government would call in committed anointed spiritual leaders today. There are men around who have answers and solutions to the massive problems facing the nation - and these problems are spiritual, moral, economic and political. At the time of writing the United Kingdom according to some is near to 'melt down'.

When Moses was operating so powerfully and leading so manfully, the Holy Spirit was moving and moving rapidly and radically. The yeast of God was working.

Wherever you are keep praying. Keep interceding. Do not give in or give up.

When the yeast of God is working there is nothing we can do to stop it, but there is also nothing we can do to make that yeast work.

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw

Concrete Stained Sheathing

Who Wants to Save Money While Saving the Environment?

Many of us feel that there must be a better way of doing things. For example, you pay that utility bill each month but you haven't got any real control over where this electric power is coming from, and it seems the costs keep going up.

Perhaps you also have a nagging feeling that you would like to do something here and now to save the environment. You have probably heard of the global warming, which is caused by the enormous global use of fossil fuels.

Personally, I think we all need to do everything we can to halt this process -- yes, we need to "go green"! But what can ordinary people like you and me really do to change the world -- after all, we are dependent on so many factors outside our control. Like the utility company.

What if there was a way to:

- save money
- save the environment
- and become more independent

OK, I think there is such a way. If you are a homeowner, then you can for instance install photovoltaic panels on the roof of your house. Then, you can make your very own electricity and thumb your nose at the utility company! Or, actually, you might be able to make money by selling some of your electric power back to them.

"No, that won't work -- such solar panels are so darn expensive" you might say. To which I answer: No, not nowadays. True, some years ago solar panels cost a minor fortune, but this has changed. Manufacturing processes have improved, and you can also save money by some do-it-yourself work.

To learn more about how you can install cheap solar panels and make your own electric power, click here now.

And this is the URL:

Floor Repairs

A Rheem Gas Furnace is Quite the Addition to Any House

With science and technology advancing ever forward, there are all kinds of new ways to look at heating systems for your household. A good residential furnace should last about twenty years, on the average. This can also be expected of the Rheem gas furnace. If you are needing to replace an old unit, it would be a good idea to do so as soon as possible. With the cost of fuel being so high and winter months nearly upon us, it is best to do the replacement now and benefit from the cost savings.

Traditionally, my homes have used oil furnaces for heating. For whatever reasons, I never felt comfortably warm. Wood stoves have been the only heating source that have kept me warm during the long New England months. However, I am now in my 50's and wood heat is extremely high maintenance and no longer as practical. I decided to have a Rheem gas furnace installed in my home for this winter. Though it is only late October as I write this, we have already experienced several nights of frost, hurricane winds and 2 inches of snow. It can be bitter cold out there and I want to stay warm. So far, my new furnace is doing the job. I'll be keeping a running journal of my experiences with this system throughout this first winter. Because I keep fuel receipts for several years, I'll be able to do a cost comparison for myself.

For those of you who are thinking about making a switch to a Rheem gas furnace, you should be prepared for the process of installation. With my old oil furnace, hot water piping was used to heat my house. I didn't have a duct system in place. Because I am also thinking about a cooling system for the summer months, some greater adaptations were required. No matter how well prepared one is for construction, it's always unsettling to have holes cut in the floors of your house. Also, there is all kinds of wood dust as a result of this work. One thing I would urge, is that you discuss clean-up with the Rheem dealership. It may be that they will take the extra time to clean behind themselves, especially if they know how important this is to you.

Simon Harris writes about the Rheem Gas Furnace at

Roof Repairs

Green Home Experts - To Enhance Your Building's Energy Efficiency!

Green home experts are of the opinion that a more environmentally friendly home can also be healthier and more comfortable. Improve your homes and make it more environment friendly by using environment friendly products, this way you can increase the energy efficiency of your building too.

More and more people are going in for sustainable buildings due to its advantages. Use of straw made out of oats, wheat, sunflower hulls or rice could be a good option for fiber board. It basically uses agricultural waste made out of food, materials which is bio degradable and can be used as compost. Soya based resins can be used instead of the chemical adhesives or solvents which is other wise used for bonding process.

With this, you make an effort towards reducing the construction industry's carbon footprint. Also consider resource utilization, proper disposal, recycling of left over materials and not waste them. Green building experts often strive to achieve both ecological as well as aesthetic harmony between a structure and its surrounding natural and built environment. However, the appearance and style of sustainable buildings is not necessarily differentiated from their less sustainable counterparts. The life of the building project is to have a positive and a long term impact on the surrounding community and, by extension, the environment in general.

Eliminate the impact of buildings on the environment and human health by practicing a green building concept. Renewable resources are made use of to increase the energy efficiency of the building as well as reduce any hazardous impact on the environment. Photovoltaic techniques, passive solar and active solar techniques are used as renewable resources. The philosophy of designing a green building is to put in harmony the natural features and resources surrounding the site.

Kirthy Shetty, expert author, Platinum status

Builders Bangalore assistance: Builders Bangalore

Free guide on green buildings expert assistance: green buildings expert

Door Fill In With Damage

How Can I Benefit From Solar Panels?

The use of solar panels has become increasingly popular due to the financial savings they offer. Yet this is just one good reason why you should look into adding them. They also help to reduce the depletion of those resources we can't replace. As our society continues to move forward with technology we find we are using more and more electricity every day.

You will find there are plenty of well qualified contractors out there willing to install home solar panels for you. It is a good idea to contact at least two of them to see what they have to offer. Compare the solar panels they will install as well as the price. You also want to check their reputation and find out what type of warranty they offer on the work they will complete for you.

If you want to save money on the installation though you need to look at solar home kits. These allow you go put everything into place on your own. You can use them for your home or your business if you want to create your own electricity. Make a deal with a friend that they will help you install your solar panels and you will do the same for them. That way you can both benefit and the work will be completed in less time.

There really isn't too much to the process of installing your own solar panels Yet what it offers you in return is a very effective way to save money and to protect the environment in which you live.

Some individuals worry that they won't collect enough energy with home solar panels to meet their needs. It is true that households can vary when it comes to the amount of energy they consume each day. Likewise, the sun doesn't always shine as brightly in the sky each day either. Yet you don't have to worry because if you use all of the solar energy you create the back up system will be immediately accessed. That is the only time you will end up paying for the use of electricity.

The cost of installing solar panels is extremely affordable. In fact, it costs much less than most people happen to think. Therefore you should seriously look into the matter. You also want to find out if there are tax breaks and incentives offered in your area for installing solar panels California is one of the best states out there offering such initiatives to their residents. You will also find many new homes and businesses being built with solar panels This is due to the construction companies taking advantage of those incentives as well.

Study more useful information on the benefits of Home Solar Panels and find out how these great system can benefit your households. Visit Earth For Energy today; Your guide to understand solar panels.

Rusting Heaters

How to Save on Electricity Easily?

Do you want to learn how to save on electricity easily? More and more households in different parts of the world are turning to the use of homemade renewable energy systems (solar and wind energy system) to save their electricity bills, and I am proud to be one of those people today. It is a great source of electricity to have, and now I am enjoying more savings and also have a source of power backup just in case a blackout occurs.

1. How To Save On Electricity With Solar Power?

You can either choose to buy the solar panels ready-made or make them yourself and save yourselves a lot of money. Each solar panel can cost as much as $600, but building my own solar energy system with a step-by-step guide I downloaded only cost about $180 in total.

The guide that I had downloaded also taught me how to calculate the total power usage of my homes in order to build a system that is suitable for my household.

2. What Are The Benefits Of Running Your Home On Solar Power?

Using a renewable power system like solar energy panels can make the environment and air much cleaner. The most important domestic benefit for me is that it has significantly reduced the amount on the electricity bill that I receive every month. On top of that, if my household uses less electric power than what my homemade system is generating, I can even sell it back to the grid company.

Thousands of people have already eliminated their own home electricity bills with the free energy system. They learned how to build it by downloading a step-by-step guide online. You can find out more about how to build this homemade power system at the website link below.

Want to Save on Electricity with renewable energy? Do not try any windmill and solar power system scams until you read the author's review of the Best Home Energy Systems at first!

The author has managed to reduce his energy bill by more than 80% by building his own renewable home energy system. Check out his website to find out how to do it!

Linoleum Floor Water Damage

Why Your House Should Wear a Warm Scarf

Have you seen those action movies where the enemy can be seen moving around far ahead in the darkness through special night-vision goggles? Ever wonder how that works? Typically the goggles are measuring infra-red heat (or energy) leaving the body.

Now apply the same idea to your house with all its opening doors and windows. Also imagine those leaking air vents and hidden cracks. Do you think your house will show up with night-vision goggles?

Using high-end thermal imaging equipment; your house will light up like a rainbow of yellows, reds and greens with spots of white.

This looks pretty but it's bad news, these bright colours signify different degrees of heat leaving your house....every hour, every day. Your house is leaking money....every hour, every day.

Generally the older your house the bigger the problem.

Is it possible to build a house that keeps heat in 99% of the time? Pretty close it's called an igloo.

Those guys got it right as far as heat loss, a definite A1 building energy rating (BER). Plus it's a design that hasn't changed in hundreds of years. Of course it's not practical in would I get my Sony Bravia LCD TV through the door?

The good news is that there is plenty you can do today to reduce heat loss in your house or in other words increase your energy rating and keep money in your pockets through lower energy costs.

Plus many improvements can be done quite easily and quickly with instant results.

We have compiled a 10 - point plan that can help you save energy and money today. It's available now on our web site.

Go To Our 10-Point BER Improvement Plan

Stepping On Ceiling Plaster

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Benefits of Metal Roofing

If you are thinking of renovating your home or are in need of a new roof, you may want to consider metal roofing. Metal roofing is a growing trend among homeowners because of the many benefits that this type roof brings. If you opt for metal roofing, your home resale value will increase. Metal is thought to top the list of renovation-friendly materials for those who are renovating their homes. This material is also at the top of new home builders lists.

There are many benefits to choosing metal roofing over shingled roofing. The most popular is the energy-saving benefits. Energy-saving solutions are not only popular in today's market, but these solutions can save you money. On average with a "cool metal roof" you could save up to 40% annually on your energy bill. Homeowners also benefit from lower home insurance premiums by choosing metal. Depending on your insurance carrier, if you choose metal over shingles, your premiums could decrease significantly.

Metal roofing comes in several types of material. Aluminum is a lightweight material, but it us very strong and will last a long time. Since the material is lightweight, there is less stress on the structure. This means that there is not a need for reinforcements. Another benefit to aluminum is that it is resistant to rusting and corrosion. Another material this type of roofing is made of is steel or stainless steel. Steel is preferred in the industry because of its strength and it withstands against corrosion from natures elements. Steel roofs are coated with Zinc or Zinc-Aluminum for added protection.

Another great advantage of metal roofing is the ability to choose a color that will match your home and style. Unlike shingles where your options are limited, metal roofing comes in many choices of colors. Finding one that will go great with your home should be easy.

The final stage of selecting your roof is to locate a contractor in your area. This can be done be looking through the yellow pages or searching online. When you have found a contractor, you need to ensure that you have a found a trustworthy company. Ask around, check with the Better Business Bureau and ask for references before signing a contract with a company. You will be happy with your new roof. You can sleep well at night knowing you have the protection you need and that you saved money in the process.

You may find more information about Metal Roofing at Metal Roofing Sacramento and Metal Roofing California which is the Lifetime Roof corporate web site also known by the company name of California's Best Roof.

Linoleum Floor Water Damage

Renewable Energy - It's Our Future

Renewable Energy it's Our Future Saving energy and it's links to topics like green house gases and global warming. Indications show we are aware of the problem that faces all of us and most of us would like to save energy, money and the environment. Fears of fossil fuel and their effects from there usage on our environment is a very real fear. Renewable energy must be used for the future of our planet and our children, and mankind itself. a few small steps has been made in the right direction regarding these issues. Solar energy is a very positive approach to the global warming problem as with wind generated energy and many other environmentally friendly energy generation systems which will enable us to lessen the effects and use of fossil fuels in our environment.

Change must be made and all of us must be willing to do our part for that change to occur. Legislation should be made to promote advancement and use in solar, wind and hydro power. Government as well as big business and their share holders must see that making money with their high profits and large management salaries are not helping in the progress for this to happen. Advancement is design and mass production in solar panels is needed to bring their cost down for the average person to afford. Electrical energy feed back into the power grid and refunds paid by a fair price.

This will enable house owners to save money and the cost of living will go down, in some cases earn refunds for excess energy provided to the power company. At present rivers and damns are running dry, droughts, loss of food crops and live stock all add to the cost of the cost of living for all of us today. Now we must act each and every one of us to get our government to act. Sea water could be used to help drought ravaged areas. Just these small steps will bring down the cost of food, fuel and our living. So what are you waiting for?

Mick Purcell Renewable Energy Resource Right Here!

Energy Saving

Drywall And Framing Mold

Winter Time Savings!

Today's ever rising costs of home and office energy costs, while budgets in our office shrink and wages at home are stagnant, has society worried. For those of us living in climates that require extra household heating in the winter months, there are tricks we can do to increase the comfort of our homes while lowering the cost.

Windows, especially older ones, can have a negative aspect in wintertime. With out the benefit of modern double or tripled glazed windows there is a lot of air leakage with older style window systems. The first thing one can do on the exterior is to caulk any gaps between the window, window frame and siding of the house. If you don't have storm windows construct your own using clear UV plastic and a wooden frame. Use wing nuts to secure the frame in place. In the spring remove the frames and store in a safe place for next years use. On the interior apply the clear window film which is now readily available in kits of various sizes. Attached to the frame of windows with double-sided tape and shrunk with the heat of a blow dryer this plastic must be removed after the winter season resulting in a yearly investment. We have found that it is well worth the investment in an older home and notice the resulting drop in heating costs because of it.

Any window facing south may be an asset during the winter. By keeping the drapes open during the hours that windows receive direct sunlight, you make the most of the sun's free energy to warm the home. Washing windows just before winter sets in ensures film and dust do not impede the sun's rays.

Keep furniture and drapes off of heating vents. It makes no sense heating up the bottom of a couch or blowing warm air up a curtain and fogging up the window. Vent deflectors are available that divert warm air to where it is needed to make better use of valuable heat.

Have your furnace inspected and cleaned every year. The ducting should be cleaned every few years to keep the air you breathe clean and to allow the air to flow efficiently. Be sure the furnace filters are changed regularly - monthly in our home. Keep the temperature turned down when you are out of the house or asleep in bed. The use of a programmable thermostat makes this feat much easier to accomplish and will save enough on your heating bill in a year to pay for the cost of the thermostat.

Exterior walls with electrical outlets or switches have potential "cold spots". Where these electrical boxes are is where insulation isn't! Purchase a package of inexpensive foam inserts and install in each box to help block any drafts. Often the largest heat loss in homes comes from the exterior doors themselves. Door weather-strips and sill plates need to be inspected for air leaks and replaced if necessary.

Some other "cold spots" in a home are the fireplace and range hood. Check the fireplace damper to ensure it fits snug, so that when you close it during the periods it is not in use it will not let in cold air. Sometimes the suction from a forced air heating system can pull cold air down through the range hood above the stove. Try blocking this off with a piece of corrugated plastic attached with magnetic strips. As a reminder place a post-it-note over the fan button on the range hood so that it is not accidentally turned on without removing this cover first.

Keep the hot water tank thermostat at 55? C for the best efficiency. Install a tank insulation kit, and insulate any hot water pipes you can readily access.

These are just a few, reasonably inexpensive ways for you to save some money this winter and every winter to come for many years. You can feel pride in that you are a conscious and responsible consumer of resources. You will also feel a lot cozier in your warm draft-free home.

~ Dave Brummet: co-author of the books Trash Talk, Purple Snowflake Marketing and Towards Understanding; co-host of the Conscious Discussions radio show (

Water Stains On Shingles

God Speaks Prophetically About Todd Bentley

I am the same God of Moses. I am the Father of nations and if you are a Christian I am your eternal Father. My church it seems is in the wilderness with only a partial anointing of My Spirit. Signs and wonders are not commonplace in the West. So many voices cry out in unbelief.

So many negative voices speak about Todd Bentley, so many people in unbelief rise up in judgment of MY outpouring in Florida. So many people making a name for themselves with what they write about Him.

I delight in Todd and I send my angels to his crusades and my Holy Spirit turns up with power and with the anointing. And yes he has tattoos and he says "Bam" when he lays hands on people. So many people are saying negative things about him and he is my son coming with power.

Nothing has changed. There were mockers of Moses and mockers of John the Baptist and mockers of My Son Jesus. In each generation there are Pharisees people with a form of the religion of Christ, but denying the power of the gospel.

Isn't it enough that I heal through Todd's gift? Does he have to provide doctors letters to confirm healings have taken place? What does he have to do to silence the critics?

He can do nothing!

The mockers will always exist. Ever willing to speak bad of a person that my anointing rests on. You'll remember my Son said to "beware when all men speak well of you."

I am the God of Todd Bentley and He is my anointed healer. He isn't healing in his own name and most of the time he isn't even laying hands of people for them to be healed, My Holy Spirit is healing them.

You can mock my anointed healer. In years to come there are going to be even more weirder prophets and healing evangelists.

Have you ever wanted to see a clairvoyant but the Bible forbids it? Did you know that there are people in churches with a gift of prophecy that can get a message off God for you? You can ask questions of them and they can take the questions to God for you. Eighty percent of the church don't use these people as they don't think the gift of prophecy exists anymore but the people that do use them get tremendously blessed.If you are not a Christian just say that in your email and the prophet will be more sensitive to you. Come and request a free personal prophecy today at

Benefits Of A Bad Childhood

Change Your Attitude - Zig Ziglar Video

Zig Ziglar explains how to change your attitude and how it affects certain things in your life.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Sometimes Your The Problem
Quit Waiting For Help

Who Follows in His Train?

Everyone wants to be an apostle. But no one that I know wants to live the life of an apostle or speak the exact words that the apostles spoke. "Apostle" today is equivalent to "master", whereas the true apostles considered themselves servants. And like servants, they were beaten. They were poor. They were rejected, hated. They were lied about and cursed and left for dead. And because they spoke and wrote only what God breathed into their tormented souls, they were unaccepted by many.

Acts 14:19,20 tells of an incident in apostle Paul's life. The Jews try to kill him. They stone him, drag him outside the city, and leave him to rot.

Many today do not like Paul's words. Unfortunately not all of Paul's enemies are outside the church. He is hated, maligned, ignored. His words are dragged out of context, out of the Bible, out of the church, and left for dead. His clear teachings about the place of women, the qualifications for leadership, the rise of antichrist before Jesus appears in the sky are all amazingly warped and abused by modern-day persecutors of the Word.

In the category of "misunderstood" one could place Romans 8:38, or a piece of it that goes right over most heads. "I am persuaded that neither [note his first word here:] LIFE, nor death... can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus." If Christ is in the heart, nothing can separate us. But if not, even "life" can do the trick. How could life separate one from the love of God? Isn't life itself from God? Though God gave life, Satan with man's help corrupted it. Human life without God does indeed separate us from Christ. Life with all its fun and beauty and troubles and sorrow is enough to distract us from eternity. Paul knew that.

Here's another "Paul-ism" that doesn't fit today's theologies. Romans 9:2 has Paul confessing that he has "great sorrow and continual grief" in his heart for his Jewish brothers and sisters, lost for all eternity if they will not come to Christ. Isn't this the Paul who said to "Rejoice in the Lord always..."? That verse is quoted often. But the sorrowing Paul, like the sorrowing Jesus, does not get a hero's welcome in the church's Main Street. Godly men weep alone, and lose the fellowship of the crowds, yet gain Heaven's company. Paul walked that life.

Paul, the giver of so many mysteries to the church, is himself a mystery. But with Paul we reach the end of our excuses. Jesus, we say, was God. We could never be like Him. Yet He calls us to do just that. Paul was not God. He is you and me. A great sinner. A self-willed religionist. A man who served his own interests. Then, he was mighty Saul, king-like in name and actions. He alone would bring revival to Israel.

Can't you see yourself in some part of Paul's old life? Selfish? Proud? Lost? Then why can't you do what he did by the same grace that was made available to him? By God's grace we can be as effective, as sold out, as anyone in the Kingdom. But the warning is real. Live like Paul, and be prepared to suffer like him too, to be rejected and despised as was His Master and ours.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Religious Education And Fear

The Christ That Should Never Be Followed

The vital importance of knowing and being obedient to God's word cannot be overstressed as it guarantees protection from the greatest deception planet Earth is facing and will continue to face for some time.

What is this deception? Jesus repeatedly and forcefully warned his disciples that, "...there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore, if they shall say unto you, Behold he is in the desert; go not forth, behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (KJV, Matthew 24:-27).

The great and terrible deception is the following of a false Christ who possesses great supernatural power to perform signs and wonders to convince people to believe he is God. The scripture above reveals much valuable information about the great lie that so many will believe. First, it should be observed that the manifestation of diabolical power that the false Christ will display will not be distinguishable by the natural eye or reasoning. This is why he would be able to deceive the very elect of God if they made the decision to follow him based purely on what their eyes witness.

The reasons why so many will be deceived into following such false Christs and prophets vary. However, many of these people have willfully rejected the true Christ, closing their eyes to his word and covering their ears to not hear his voice. They invited the hardening of their hearts just as the Egyptian pharaoh did when he refused to let the children of Israel go. This is why the Bible warns the reader to respond to God's conviction while his conscious is still intact (Exodus 7:3, Hebrews 3:8).

Far too many people do not realize that there is a point of no return regarding salvation. Scripture gives a frightful warning to such individuals. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 says, "even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion (deception), that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Recommended reading: Jesus Or His Impostor?

Make A Live Out Of Your Life

About Today's Church Music

Older believers have to be careful how they talk, I'm told. So let me first say, yes, there are some great new songs around. The music and the words both.
Now let me tell you how I really feel...

Since the "established" church seems to have trouble with the old hymnbooks, I sing out of one most every morning. In private. I love even the poetry of these songs. I was raised on them, what can I say? There was majesty and beauty and downright sense to the words.

Take this one. I have never sung it in my life, couldn't whistle the tune if I tried, but while skimming through a particular songbook (Hymns of the Christian Life, 1936! -before even my time) , I have run across this song often. I decided to do a read only. Oh my, I was touched more than I have been in a month of Sundays in the established place. And I mean no offense to my home church. I just have trouble feeling at home during song-time. Check out these words:

1. Jesus and shall it ever be, a mortal man ashamed of Thee?

Ashamed of Thee Whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days?

2. Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far let evening blush to own a star;

He sheds the beams of light divine o'er this benighted soul of mine.

3. Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend on Whom my hopes of heaven depend!

No; when I blush, be this my shame, that I no more revere His Name.

4. Ashamed of Jesus! Yes, I may when I've no guilt to wash away,

No tears to wipe, no good to crave, no fears to quell, no soul to save.

5. Till then, nor is my boasting vain, till then I boast a Saviour slain;

And O may this my glory be, that Christ is not ashamed of me.

OH how wonderful those words of Joseph Grigg. I can only imagine that Henry Oliver's tune enhances the beauty. Because that's how the old songs were, for the most part. Great lyrics, supportive music. Not the other way around.

Here's a suggestion for Mother Church, the Body of the Lord Himself. If we so desire novelty for our youth, let's teach them some of these great old songs that they have never heard. To them, they will be new. To us they will be precious. And we'll all be happy.

Suggestion two, while I'm on a roll. The Church was not created for the world, but for the saints. Let the Church remain holy and draw all men to Christ through the preached cross. Let the saints feel comfortable in their own home. The world has its own.

Did I just change the subject...? not really. Music that appeals to the flesh is of the world. Music that effects bodily changes is fleshly. Music that makes me want to cover my ears is an offense. Music that, like alcohol and tobacco, takes some getting used to needs to be eliminated before all ears are polluted and people will not even want to go to a church that does not rock. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed , lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .

Do You Lose Or Win In Christiani

Divine Power

Divine power is so great, Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus says in 2Corinthians 10:3, For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete. Now in many chapters of the Bible it says that Jesus is over everything, in Psalm 24:1 says, The earth is the Lords and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the sea and established it upon the waters.

I recommend reading Philippians 2:5, it says Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to deatheven death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Enjoy more reading at:

What Do I Do If Someone Insults

Friday, May 29, 2009

The History of New Years Resolutions

The tradition of the New Year's Resolutions goes all the way back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar.

With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year.

The New Year has not always begun on January 1, and it doesn't begin on that date everywhere today. It begins on that date only for cultures that use a 365-day solar calendar. January 1 became the beginning of the New Year in 46 B.C., when Julius Caesar developed a calendar that would more accurately reflect the seasons than previous calendars had.

The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances. He was always depicted with two faces, one on the front of his head and one on the back. Thus he could look backward and forward at the same time. At midnight on December 31, the Romans imagined Janus looking back at the old year and forward to the new.

The Romans began a tradition of exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve by giving one another branches from sacred trees for good fortune. Later, nuts or coins imprinted with the god Janus became more common New Year's gifts.

In the Middle Ages, Christians changed New Year's Day to December 25, the birth of Jesus. Then they changed it to March 25, a holiday called the Annunciation. In the sixteenth century, Pope Gregory XIII revised the Julian calendar, and the celebration of the New Year was returned to January 1.

The Julian and Gregorian calendars are solar calendars. Some cultures have lunar calendars, however. A year in a lunar calendar is less than 365 days because the months are based on the phases of the moon. The Chinese use a lunar calendar. Their new year begins at the time of the first full moon (over the Far East) after the sun enters Aquarius- sometime between January 19 and February 21.

Although the date for New Year's Day is not the same in every culture, it is always a time for celebration and for customs to ensure good luck in the coming year.

Ancient New Years

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, Babylonians celebrated the beginning of a new year on what is now March 23, although they themselves had no written calendar.

Late March actually is a logical choice for the beginning of a new year. It is the time of year that spring begins and new crops are planted. January 1, on the other hand, has no astronomical nor agricultural significance. It is purely arbitrary.

The Babylonian New Year celebration lasted for eleven days. Each day had its own particular mode of celebration, but it is safe to say that modern New Year's Eve festivities pale in comparison.

The Romans continued to observe the New Year on March 25, but their calendar was continually tampered with by various emperors so that the calendar soon became out of synchronization with the sun.

In order to set the calendar right, the Roman senate, in 153 BC, declared January 1 to be the beginning of the New Year. But tampering continued until Julius Caesar, in 46 BC, established what has come to be known as the Julian Calendar. It again established January 1 as the New Year. But in order to synchronize the calendar with the sun, Caesar had to let the previous year drag on for 445 days.

Global Good Luck Traditions

With New Year's upon us, here's a look at some of the good luck rituals from around the world. They are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity in the coming year.

AUSTRIA - The suckling pig is the symbol for good luck for the new year. It's served on a table decorated with tiny edible pigs. Dessert often consists of green peppermint ice cream in the shape of a four-leaf clover.

ENGLAND - The British place their fortunes for the coming year in the hands of their first guest. They believe the first visitor of each year should be male and bearing gifts. Traditional gifts are coal for the fire, a loaf for the table and a drink for the master. For good luck, the guest should enter through the front door and leave through the back. Guests who are empty-handed or unwanted are not allowed to enter first.

WALES - At the first toll of midnight, the back door is opened and then shut to release the old year and lock out all of its bad luck. Then at the twelfth stroke of the clock, the front door is opened and the New Year is welcomed with all of its luck.

HAITI - In Haiti, New Year's Day is a sign of the year to come. Haitians wear new clothing and exchange gifts in the hope that it will bode well for the new year.

SICILY - An old Sicilian tradition says good luck will come to those who eat lasagna on New Year's Day, but woe if you dine on macaroni, for any other noodle will bring bad luck.

SPAIN - In Spain, when the clock strikes midnight, the Spanish eat 12 grapes, one with every toll, to bring good luck for the 12 months ahead.

PERU - The Peruvian New Year's custom is a spin on the Spanish tradition of eating 12 grapes at the turn of the year. But in Peru, a 13th grape must be eaten to assure good luck.

GREECE - A special New Year's bread is baked with a coin buried in the dough. The first slice is for the Christ child, the second for the father of the household and the third slice is for the house. If the third slice holds the coin, spring will come early that year.

JAPAN - The Japanese decorate their homes in tribute to lucky gods. One tradition, kadomatsu, consists of a pine branch symbolizing longevity, a bamboo stalk symbolizing prosperity, and a plum blossom showing nobility.

CHINA - For the Chinese New Year, every front door is adorned with a fresh coat of red paint, red being a symbol of good luck and happiness. Although the whole family prepares a feast for the New Year, all knives are put away for 24 hours to keep anyone from cutting themselves, which is thought to cut the family's good luck for the next year.

UNITED STATES - The kiss shared at the stroke of midnight in the United States is derived from masked balls that have been common throughout history. As tradition has it, the masks symbolize evil spirits from the old year and the kiss is the purification into the new year.

NORWAY - Norwegians make rice pudding at New Year's and hide one whole almond within. Guaranteed wealth goes to the person whose serving holds the lucky almond.

Chinese New Year

Except for a very few number of people who can keep track of when the Chinese New Year should be, the majority of the Chinese today have to rely on a typical Chinese calendar to tell it. Therefore, you cannot talk of the Chinese New Year without mentioning the Chinese calendar at first.

A Chinese calendar consists of both the Gregorian and lunar-solar systems, with the latter dividing a year into twelve month, each of which is in turn equally divided into thirty- nine and a half days. The well-coordinated dual system calendar reflects the Chinese ingenuity.

There is also a system that marks the years in a twelve-year cycle, naming each of them after an animal such as Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. People born in a particular year are believed to share some of the personalities of that particular animal.

Gary Ryan Blair is the inspiration behind New Years Resolutions Week -

New Years Resolutions Week was founded on the premise, that a single resolution can positively and profoundly create lasting change in your life and help to make the world a better place. To learn more, visit

Gary can be reached for media requests, television or radio appearances and speaking services at 877-462-5748 or by sending an email to

Spiritual Benefits

3 Successful Goal Setting Strategies That Never Fail

Goal setting is an easy process; all you have to do is to write down what you want to achieve in a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. Although that this is an easy process, you will be amazed how many people are actually doing this. The lack of commitment to follow through is one of the common reasons people fail to achieve their goals.

Another big common reason is that most people never do what they suppose to do after they have set their goal. You should know that it is what you do after you have set your goal that will bring you to your success. If you are not doing anything after you have set your goals, nothing is going to happen.

Below are the 3 successful goal setting strategies that you must do them right after you have set your goals. If you follow through, you will guarantee to achieve your goals...

1. Affirm your goals every night and visualize about the achievement of your goals. You need to sink the idea into your subconscious mind and at the same time, motivate yourself to achieve it. By doing so, you are constantly motivating yourself into taking more action. Remember, it is the action that you take that will make your goal come true.

2. Take at least 3 actions that will bring you toward your goal everyday. For example, if your goal is to become a real-estate millionaire, the actions that you can take are like doing market research, looking for deals, read to improve, making calls to prospects and many more. Goal setting is not a magic wand; you will never achieve your goal if you are not doing anything.

3. Make a public commitment by telling everyone about your goal. If you do so, you will leave yourself no alternative but to achieve your goal. Some of your friends may laugh at you if you tell them that you are going to be a real-estate millionaire, but so what? Turn their negative force into positive motivation that propels you into taking action.

By following through these 3 successful goal setting strategies that never fail, I believe that you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember, success is about getting things done.

If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the right tool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases of Goal Setting Activities, you are about to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals

For more information about Goal Setting Activities, please visit:

Self Employment Ideas For Teens

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Where is Heaven

Many people live their lives with the assumption that Heaven is out there somewhere and is completely separate from life on earth. Many are taught that Heaven is a mystical place only accessed through death of the physical body. But in actuality, the spiritual planes of reality and the physical earth plane interpenetrate one another in the same point in space. Each plane has its own unique energetic structure that vibrates at its own frequency. The physical world is the lowest vibration of energy and actually lies within higher vibrational planes.

We can routinely access some of the higher, less dense planes through sleep, meditation or prayer. Whenever we are in an altered state of consciousness, we align with higher vibrational planes of reality and may come to have an expanded awareness that we dont experience in a waking state.

In the case of meditation , as we connect with our higher self, our creativity may be awakened or we may experience a light bulb moment that gives us a better understanding of who we are or of a situation going on in our lives.

As we dream, we are whisked off to a land of symbolismthe secret language of Spirit. Dreams can offer clues that can help us to resolve matters in our current waking lives. Through our dreams, we may also come in contact with deceased friends or family members or even catch a glimpse of an event that hasnt happened yet. Dream interpretation is a very useful tool that can bring the workings of Heaven into our awareness.

In prayer to the God of our understanding, we place ourselves in a position to be humbly conscious of the limitless possibilities that Heaven offers us. By recognizing the opportunities open to us, we can act on them and bring them into manifest.

Heaven is not a place, it is a system a system of subtle energies that are constantly stirring about and creating new effects that help shape and transform our daily lives. The earth plane is not separate from this system; it is merely the physical component of it. The system that sustains us in life is the same system that sustains us in death.

Karin Nemri is a Spiritual Counselor, Aiijii Healer and inter-nationally known Lecturer/Presenter. She has a private practice in Connecticut. You may wish to visit her website, to learn how Spirit works through her to help others.

Thinking With Abundance

Mental Awareness

Being aware of your thoughts is the first actual step to proper self defense. Believe it or not most of what you think determines what will happen in an altercation with someone. This might be a fight between friends or it might be a more serious situation like defending yourself from a burglar or criminal. Your mind in every situation controls exactly what it is you do...obviously. But did you know that thinking negative thought during an altercation can actually prohibit you from and success in the situation? If you are thinking nothing but, "How am I going to make it out of this?" or "oh my God I might not live through this!" it is a high possibility that those thoughts could come true.

Please understand me when I say this, I don't expect you to be thinking about going to the amusement park while you're being robbed, let's be serious. But what you can do is say,"Everything is going to be Ok just stay calm." Saying that simple little phrase tells your subconscious to do everything it can in order to bring that into reality. This can actually be applied to everything in your life. I am not here to write about soul seeking, personal development but you get the picture.

The main lesson to take from this is simple; stay focused, stay positive. You might have pepper spray in your purse or pocket or you might have a stun gun or even a knife with you. These self defense weapons mean nothing if you're not calm enough to use them. Once again, you don't have to be in a Zen like state but you have to keep your mind on your goal and this is to stay alive and walk out of the situation OK. Check out a post called "Mental Affirmations." This post almost complements what you have read here so far, but with more details and steps.

In conclusion just make sure you keep yourself ahead of the game by using your head. Tell yourself that you will be OK and that all will turn out fine. You and only you control what happens in your life. Even certain outside factors can be changed by what you think and how you talk to yourself. Mental awareness is what separate survivors from victims. If you plan on living your life in happiness and freedom then keep telling yourself that you are happy and safe from harm. That is the only thing you can do to keep yourself ahead of the game.

Matthew Batcho is an entrepreneur that has been involved with start-up business for over 10 years. He currently owns a landscaping business and runs a small self defense business online. He enjoys writing, painting, and discovering new ways to build business.

Quit Waiting For Help

Happy Children - Create a Happy Child with a Tantrum of Thankfulness

In my research on potty training for our potty training course, I have learned that children respond to the emotions of their parents and care takers. In further research, I have learned that in all relationships, the most important step you can take in creating a successful relationship is to be happy yourself.

All people are attracted to happiness. This trait is most easily observed in children who have not yet learned to suppress their emotions.

The most important gift that you can give your child is your own happiness. When you are happy yourself, you will naturally be more patient, kind and loving toward your child. You dont have to work at it, the love just flows naturally when you are happy.

Too many parents think that once they have children, pursuing their own happiness is selfish and something to feel guilty about. Neglecting your children while pursing your happiness may be something to feel guilty about; however, there are many ways to create your own happiness and provide care for your children at the same time.

Children need love and happiness as part of their nutritional requirements. They cannot grow and develop to their full potential unless they receive adequate love and attention.

Parents who are filled with happiness and who think happy thoughts the majority of the time are in a much better position to provide the nurturing environment that children need to grow and develop. Finding your own happiness is the first step in creating a happy child.

Dr Wayne Dyer suggests in his books that you can choose your emotions. You simply choose to feel angry or choose to feel happy. While I love his writings, I have had trouble practicing that suggestion. What works better for me is to choose thoughts that allow the happy emotions to flow naturally.

For example, when my dog was injured, there was no way I could feel happy about his injury. However, after a great deal of prayer and meditation, I was able to slowly begin to find things about the episode that I could feel better about. By slowly changing my thoughts from sadness and anger to thankfulness and expectation, I was eventually able to feel happy again about my dog.

And just like a child, my dog has responded to my thoughts and emotions. While I was sad, he moped around and looked awful. As my mood improved, he began to get more active and is now again the feisty puppy that I enjoy spending time with.

Because children respond so visibly to your emotions, it is your duty as a parent to be as happy as you can be. Seeking your own happiness is not selfish, but the act of a loving and responsible parent.

Over the years, I have observed many child behavior issues that we very obviously linked to the unhappiness of the parents. Well, it was obvious to everyone except the parents of these children. They kept looking for someone else to blame for their childrens problems. They continued to create more unhappiness for their children and everyone involved.

So, if you notice undesirable behavior in your own children, take a moment to look inside yourself before you start looking for someone else to blame. Are you happy? If not, take steps to address your own emotions before you start to work with your childrens behavior problems.

As an engineer, I was very good at the identify a problem, find a cause, remove the cause, theres your solution kind of problem solving method. But in my work with children, I have found that this method is ineffective.

A better method is to simply identify and express the desired behavior and then encourage it. I call this the creative intention method of problem solving.

We can leave the cause finding to the research scientists. As parents, we just want happy well behaved children.

And the first step in creating happy children is to find happiness ourselves. Creative intention works especially well in finding ways to create more happy thoughts in your life and in the life of your children.

In every situation, there is always something good to be thankful for. Those of us who are accustomed to finding problems that need a solution will need to practice a bit before we can easily and quickly see the good in every situation. You may want to find someone who is naturally optimistic to mentor you.

But with practice we all can learn to think thoughts that will create happy feelings.

One quick exercise that can help is throwing a Tantrum of Thankfulness. We all know that two year olds can express a lot of emotion is a short period of time so let us use that example to create more of what we want and less of what we dont want.

Set a timer for three minutes. During that time think of as many things as you can to be thankful for. Write them down, speak them aloud or just think about them. I like to do opposites: I am thankful for sunshine, I am thankful for rain. Get as animated as possible while doing this exercise. Jump around, sing, yell, do whatever you can to experience the emotion of passionate thankfulness.

Get your children involved in the game. Really listen to what they are thankful for. If they dont understand the concept of thankful just ask what makes them happy. Dont make any judgments, just go with what they say.

I prefer to do this exercise with my dog as my children are older and think I am crazy. My dog just enjoys the company.

Whenever you find unhappy thoughts creeping in, just throw a tantrum of thankfulness. If it is not appropriate to throw a tantrum right there like waiting in line at the post office - just remember the last tantrum you threw. Experience the happiness in your mind and smile.

The greatest gift you can ever give to anyone is that of your own happiness. Guard it with all your might and seek new ways to create happiness everyday.

Teach your children how to be happy. Create a happy world for all of us one happy child at a time.

Mike Strawbridge is the owner of Straw Solutions Performance Improvement Consulting and is dedicated to creating happy business owners and happy employees.

Mike is also a contributing writer for the Potty Training Site

Prayer Beads

Monday, May 25, 2009

What is their Role in the Second Coming of Christ


Couldnt the UN be the beast of Revelation thirteen instead of the European Union


Either the UN and the League of Nations which gave birth to it have never produced any lasting peace, or any reason to fear it very much. Other than a few nominally effective relief programs and monitoring efforts the UN has all but ceased to be the hope of the world. It is not the ineffectiveness of the UN that forces it out of the picture. There is one distinct difference between the UN and the EU. The UN is a relatively modern organization whereas the European Union is an ancient world power, namely the Roman Empire.

According to the Bible the beast once was something, it passed from history for a while then it returns to its former glory at the time of the end. Only the EU has an ancient past not the UN. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder; whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they beheld the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:8


How could anyone possibly accurately identify the antichrist, either before or after he starts to rule?


Many have endeavored to identify the antichrist in this generation. This is not new, but there are a few signs to show us when weve come upon the real McCoy, and unless they exist all attempts to spot this very wicked ruler are mere guesswork, if not outright nonsense. Because any government, ruler or individual that openly opposes Christ is a type of the final antichrist, many have thought that such figures as Antiochus Epiphanes, Nero, Hitler, Saddam Hussein and a host of others were the antichrist. They were in fact types of the antichrist but they are certainly not the final antichrist of Revelation.

By means of biblical numerology, misapplied scripture passages and some pretty extravagant guessing people have come up with some wild ideas on just who this man is. I have heard names such as Henry Kissinger, Sat Guru, David Duke, Ronald Reagan, the Pope, and a dozen of others. One web page I found recently outlines all the reasons why Arnold Schwarzenegger has to be the antichrist! I could laugh at this choice, but knowing why someone made such a ridiculous choice is no laughing matter.

There is less material available in the Bible to identify the antichrist before his rule than after it begins. There is some reason to believe that he will not even he revealed until after the rapture or removing of the church, a belief based on 2 Thessalonians 2:7. Some of the common mistakes in trying to identify this man happen because we are looking for the wrong kind of personality to start with.

He will not be the leader of any new or old religious order or tradition. He will be a political, military genius. He will come up through ordinary political channels and will rise to power so suddenly that the world wont have much time to consider his past. They will be far to busy trying to keep up with his devious antics in the present.

What can he known about him before he starts to rule is somewhat obscure but it is not hard to think that someone or a few people wont begin to notice him and his unusual way of approaching politics, rather early on. We might he able to identify him when we see some of those traits and attributes that the Bible says he begins to show after he has taken power.

Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You, publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. His book is now being heralded as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ since Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Brescianis website is,

Save the World

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." (2 Timothy 3:1) The word perilous means dangerous or exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost. The rest of the verses express where most of the danger shall come from and also the reason for the promised peril that shall come. "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Timothy 3:2-5) In a society where morality is placed on the back burner anything goes. A philosophy such as do as you will or do what thou will this shall be the whole law was made famous by a known Satanist and founder of the church of satan Aleister Crowley. A world where everyone feels free to do as he or she pleases is a disastrous world where ruin is certain. In a world that does what it feels like there are no rules. What if I feel like murdering someone or raping someone under these philosophies it is perfectly ok? In fact to live by such rules is truly to declare yourself to be God because you are governed by you. Yet, the bible expressly declares that in the last day's mankind will go so far from God that they will bring peril upon themselves and this whole world. Jesus Christ speaking of the last days said "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." (Matthew 24:11-12) A world without love, a world where people are selfish and self driven.

Was it not satan that invented the it's all about me theology. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." (Isaiah 14:12-15) When satan was cast down to earth In the record of the fall of man did he not preach this same it's all about me theology to Eve "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."(Genesis 3:4-5) Not, much has changed satan is still trying to convince every man and woman that they could be there own god just as he tried to become his own god. Even so much to impose the philosophy of I can do whatever I want God knows my heart. How many times has this been quoted by people to justify their own sin. When God says "no" how can we say God understands, his ways are his ways and we should do are best to keep them (through the power of the Holy Spirit). We should not simply go out of are way to do wrong or continue in our sins simply because it feels good to us. We should seek repentance just as the first words Christ preached "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 4:17) A life in God shows the power of God and that power is for God to transform that life. It is always not easy for us to do right but we should do our best to do what God says. For surely if God knows our heart shouldn't we know his heart and his will.

With the knowledge of this danger that is sure to come; the human heart has a unique need to be saved. After all we do all we can do to live so we eat, visit the doctors, we exercise, we drink water, we avoid poverty at all cost, we even seek pleasure to avoid boredom. There is something inside mankind that always drives us towards self preservation and man will almost always choose peace over suffering. The internal desire is another evidence of the need for the salvation of God. Hollywood has always created it's heroes that would soon come and save the world from ruin. When the truth is that this world can't be saved by man nor superheroes it actually will be destroyed according to 2 Peter 3:9-10 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." It is a promise of God that this world shall be destroyed but be of good cheer because although this world will die the people in it can be saved. "Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."(John 12:44-47)

What I fear most is that mankind doesn't take the claims of God to be serious or urgent. We should always see the urgency in what God is saying to us. There are a lot of dangerous and very disastrous events that are taking place right now and will take place in the future. We always look to the coming of Christ as being light years ahead of us, but as God said we should not be slack according to his promise that he will destroy this world. Of the last days the scriptures testify in Matthew 24:3-7 "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Many have came to this earth and claimed to be Christ all the way back to before Jesus time on earth. Most Recently we have seen Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Jose Luis De Miranda, Sun Myung Moon, Billy Meir and others. These men have led many into destruction, just as Christ has spoken. When we speak of wars and rumours of wars how many years in your own personal life can you look back to a time where there was not war going on in the earth? How many years can you remember when there was not a talk about a war? All throughout history we discover war after war and this is the work of mankind. We see nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom everyday. Whole nations of people that hate other nations of people simply because of land disputes, color of skin, and customs. Famines in the land just in 2008 Myanmar, the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, East Africa, and Bangladesh all suffer from food crisis while the rest of the nations over eat. Pestilence the world has many infectious diseases that cause death, most recently Aids, bird flu, flesh eating virus, malaria, cancer, and sars. Earthquakes have shaken many places of this world most recently China and Central Asia. This information lets us know that all things have been checked off and the reason Jesus gave these examples is to let you know that we really don't know when he is coming. The world will be going on business as usual so we should always be ready for his return.

The beauty of the situation is God knows we have a basic need for salvation. We have a human desire for peace, and quality of life. We all want to live forever and not suffer forever. What we really are looking for is hope and not hope that a man can bring. Not the promise of man's change or what man can fix, but hope that God will save us from this wretched world and the disaster of mankind's errors. "In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;" (Titus1:2) That is a promise that I could believe in, because unlike mankind God cannot lie. He promised salvation and we should expect nothing less. He promised to give us this gift we should expect nothing less. I challenge you to put your hope in something you can't see right now but will see in the future. The promise that God who cannot lie gave to us SALVATION!!!!!

"My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." -1 John 2:1-2