Saturday, May 16, 2009

Vibrational Healing-How Water, Sea Salts, and Colloidal Silver Can Heal Most Anything, Part Two

This is free from saying that drinking the soda, the juice, the coffee, is necessarily bad for us, as these drinks are free from being good or bad, right or wrong to drink these forms of drinks. Drinks, in whatever form they come in are simply drinks. It is only our perception and other souls perceptions within The Ego Self of the Soul that these drinks are somehow bad for us, that has us believing that they are bad for us. Thus, we take this axiom of drinks being bad for us, and resonate with it so deeply, that when we do drink these sodas, juices, or other sugary drinks, we then experience the emotion within The Ego Self of the Soul of guilt over drinking this supposedly bad drink and then this guilt within the physical body cells manifests physical symptoms of diseases, illnesses, syndromes, and disorders.

Then we within The Ego Self of the Soul perceiving ourselves as separate from the Whole of the Soul, along with other persons (or souls) who perceive in this same way, then all blame the sugary drinks as being the reason why they are experiencing theses diseases, illnesses, syndromes, or disorders, or these souls are what we call here on this earth dimension as the name of being overweight. It is free from being the sugary drinks that creates these things but rather the axioms that we choose to hold onto and the adequate amount of water we drink each day to flush out the remnants of the food we eat and drinks we ingest, that manifests these diseases, illnesses, syndromes, and disorders.

Within the physical body the drinking consistently of sodas, juice, coffee etc. free from balancing in harmony with water along with the axioms of what we hold to be so about the types of drinks we drink over a period of time, deprives the physical body of its on ability to be cleansed and to cleanse itself. It also depletes the physical bodys ability to naturally produce elements such as minerals, salts, and water soluble vitamins that a continuous supply of water in the physical body provides as waters energetic properties are in alignment with what the physical body and spiritual soul are comprised of. All of which help the physical body to function.

When these abilities are perceived to be hampered by the sugar based drinks and the axioms we hold onto about these sugary drinks, then we experience within the physical body what is known as dehydration and diseases, illnesses, syndromes, or disorders, or these souls are what we call here on this earth dimension as the name of being overweight. Therefore, drinking a minimum of the eight to ten glasses of water per day, is what we are invited to utilize as a baseline to keep the physical body hydrated so it can function, and then drinking water that is of double the amount of however much soda, juice, coffee, or other sugar based drinks of our choosing is, so as to keep the physical body hydrated.

To drink whatever we so choose to drink is ok, however, when we do, we are invited to be consciously aware of drinking double that in water to flush what it is that we are drinking in the way of sugary drinks. We are also invited to shift our perceptions of the drinks that we choose drink to see that all drinks in whatever form they come in, whether it be water or even what is considered here on this earth dimension as a sugary drink, is just a drink, a drink that we choose to ingest, free from there being anything bad or wrong about drinking it. A drink is just simply what it is, a drink we choose to ingest.

The same can be said then for the food that we eat. Food is simply food. It is the illusion of our beliefs in relation to food and those axioms we choose to hold within the physical body about food and being free from the drinking of adequate water to flush out the remnants of this food we eat, that creates the physical manifestations of what we call as that clogged physical body system. It is also the remnants of what is left within the physical body after what the physical body chooses has been extracted, that is free from being flushed out by something other than water. This clogged system takes form in the ways of the diseases, illnesses, syndromes, and disorders names that we have for describing what is occurring within the physical body.

Conventional medicine, mainstream media, and now even a man who made a movie about eating nothing but McDonalds for a month, they all say that what we eat in the way of sugary or McDonalds etc. is all bad for us to eat. That we should eat fruits, veggies, eat healthy etc. Conventional medicinal doctors even say that if we are to eat too much fruit that the sugar content (all beit natural sugar) is just as bad for us as eating ten cookies. While it may be so that if we eat McDonalds all the time as proven by this man who did or eat sugar all the time or eat sugar and McDonalds more than we are drinking of water to flush out the remnants, then yes, it would be what this earth dimensional concept of duality says is bad for us if we choose to see it within this perception.

We are invited us to shift the perceptions, the axioms of what we believe to see that from a Multi Dimensional perception that the McDonalds food or sugary food itself is fine to eat, as food is food, and food in whatever form it comes in is nourishment for the physical body. It is within Multi Dimensionality, that we can come to the inner wisdom that if we provide double the amount in water for every eight ounces of McDonalds or other form of food we eat, or drink that we ingest other than water, and also continually drink half of the physical bodys weight in water per day, that this would then flush out any perceived toxins, or remnants that are left unused from eating that McDonalds meal out or drinking that soda and so on. Then what we are eating and drinking that is other than water will be free from ever building up within the body. When dehydration is solved within the bodily cellular resonance, where these diseases, illnesses, disorders, and syndromes processes are played out, the physical body healing process occurs then naturally. Restoring the physical bodys cells to optimal pure water content finally addresses the physical bodys biochemical need for water.

In researching the messages that had been gifted to me, I stumbled upon Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD and his website at . I also came to discover his books, Your Body's Many Cries for Water ,You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life!, You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty, Water Cures: Drugs Kill, and ABC of Asthma Allergies & Lupus, along with William D. Holloway, Jr. and Herb Joiner Bey, NDs book Water The foundation of Youth, Health, and Beauty.

We are invited to really pay attention to the physical body's state of resonance, of BEing in each moment physically and spiritually as One. Staying humble to realize What Is for the body by listening with our intuition, free from the illusion of self denial or denial of the physical bodys needs in an attempt to reach a state of enlightenment. Drink and eat if the body is asking for it. When a soul is in a state of complete harmonious synchronicity from within, the physical body is also in complete harmonious synchronicity and when the physical body is in complete harmonious synchronicity, the soul is in a state of complete harmonious synchronicity from within. When we can allow the physical body to be exactly what it is, and are free from being in denial of any aspect of ourselves physically and spiritually we are free from the illusion of suffering any perceived imbalances.

One of the ways to come to embrace a state of being and living on little food or being free from eating food and of living from the water, air and sun is to drink anything and eat everything we feel hungry or thirsty for or interested in. Any food or drink that comes to us which we could consider eating or drinking, eat it, drink it, and enjoy it! Eat and drink all you ever want. Taste it, let yourself have it! Hunger may in some cases be simple curiosity! Explore foods! Explore drinks! We are invited to be free from denying the physical body of any food or drink that we have a craving for! I have spent money on a wide array of foods and drinks that I wanted to taste.

I tasted all sorts of foods, drinks, and have tried all sorts of ways of BEing and of living. I have discovered through this process that at this moment that living on eating minimal amounts of food, drinking a lot of water, taking in Sea Salts, and utilizing spiritual light within the infinite forms of meditation that the spiritual light gifts me with and in utilizing the breath of LIFE of All That Is of which I emanate from and of spiritual light All That Is of which I am and emanate from which includes all; and I am free from experiencing a depriving of the physical body or the soul of anything; that all of this, All That Is, is the nourishment that has calmed my hunger. It is within being inclusive harmonious synchronicity of All, with All, for All, and in All that gifts us with Spiritual Oneness and Peace in our lives. I know that for the physical body that my soul resides in, that drinking this balancing harmonious water and shifting the axioms of food and water that I believed to be so, has completely transformed the physical body into resonating within a state that is aligned with my soul. Anything that can be discovered in foods and drinks is already and always, Always Ready and In All Ways, within the soul.

To Be Continued in Part Three

Dr. Patti "Diamondlady" Diamond, DD, is a universally celebrated author, speaker, and spiritual mentor within the resonance of Spiritual Oneness. She is currently the author of two books, "Life Long Learning ~ Transforming Learning; Discovering Learning Through Living Life in Unlimitless Possibilities" and "Stepping Into Spiritual Oneness ~ Spiritual Rememberings of the Soul Through Life Experience"; and has appeared on various radio shows and within articles of international publications. She is also the Director of The Diamondlady International Spiritual Oneness Center. The Center is a Multi~Dimensional and trans~denominational spiritual community whose doors are open to all souls to assist souls with spirituality, personal transformation, the remembering of the Spiritual Oneness Light we all are and for all souls who desire to be in selfless service to all souls of the Universe. Pattis gift to all souls is to illuminate the Spiritual Oneness Infinite Light BEing that she is so that we all may remember, treasure, and embrace the Spiritual Oneness Infinite Light BEing that we are.

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