Improving oneself ought to be a life long quest.
If you're looking for good solid answers for how to improve your life, you'll really benefit from studying the following life principles designed to help you do just that.
Principle #1 - Look back for the lessons and look ahead for the living.
When my mother passed away 2 years ago, I learned this valuable lesson. To spend more of my time looking in front of me and less time looking back over my shoulder at what's happened in my past. Most importantly, to only look back to access the lessons found there.
Like everyone I've encountered a mixture of events in my life, some of them filled with more pain than joy. I look back at those situations not to ponder on the pain, but to bear witness to the valuable victorious lessons that I've learned in the midst of each of those encounters. I have found that when you refuse to let bitterness and sorrow play a staring role on the stage of your life then you've got lots more room for embracing the truth of your personal history. The truth that it's lessons that are behind you and our task is to identify and learn from those lessons.
When you fully grasp this valuable principle you will begin to look in front of you at all of the life that, God willing, is yet to be lived and say "I'm ready. I'm prepared, let's go!"
Principle #2 - Improve your attitude about improving so you can increase your aptitude and soar at a much higher altitude.
Yes, there are a lot of A's in this one. Attitude, aptitude and altitude. Now, be mindful that you don't jump up inside your head saying "I've got a great attitude. My friend or my mate or my brother or mother is the one who needs to improve their attitude. I've got a really great attitude. I don't need to change. My boss is the one who needs a better attitude! Shoot!" You see, it's the person who jumps up to declare that they have an awesome attitude who's already resisting the mindset of improving or getting bigger than their present place.
To go to your next level you have to get bigger than your present place. To grow larger to advance yourself you must improve. Improving is not a word that only applies to the weak or inferior. Improving your attitude about improving means you'll develop the mindset of committed self-grow. You want to always be growing and developing yourself to your highest potential. And you know what, just when you think you've arrived, it will be revealed to you that there's always another level.
Attitude determines you aptitude which determines your altitude. Make a commitment to improve your attitude about improving so you can increase your aptitude and soar at a much higher altitude.
Following these two principles will help you vastly improve your life and help you to develop the mindset to not only pursue your dreams but achieve them as well.
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For the past 15 years Denise Hart has been teaching women how to discover success strategies in record time that improve the bottom line in all areas of their lives & offering free weekly teleseminars, as well as online courses with a workshop environment.
Her 6 day 30 minutes a day workshop "Motivation Solutions" will help you learn immediate success strategies for your life and your biz.
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