I am the same God of Moses. I am the Father of nations and if you are a Christian I am your eternal Father. My church it seems is in the wilderness with only a partial anointing of My Spirit. Signs and wonders are not commonplace in the West. So many voices cry out in unbelief.
So many negative voices speak about Todd Bentley, so many people in unbelief rise up in judgment of MY outpouring in Florida. So many people making a name for themselves with what they write about Him.
I delight in Todd and I send my angels to his crusades and my Holy Spirit turns up with power and with the anointing. And yes he has tattoos and he says "Bam" when he lays hands on people. So many people are saying negative things about him and he is my son coming with power.
Nothing has changed. There were mockers of Moses and mockers of John the Baptist and mockers of My Son Jesus. In each generation there are Pharisees people with a form of the religion of Christ, but denying the power of the gospel.
Isn't it enough that I heal through Todd's gift? Does he have to provide doctors letters to confirm healings have taken place? What does he have to do to silence the critics?
He can do nothing!
The mockers will always exist. Ever willing to speak bad of a person that my anointing rests on. You'll remember my Son said to "beware when all men speak well of you."
I am the God of Todd Bentley and He is my anointed healer. He isn't healing in his own name and most of the time he isn't even laying hands of people for them to be healed, My Holy Spirit is healing them.
You can mock my anointed healer. In years to come there are going to be even more weirder prophets and healing evangelists.
Have you ever wanted to see a clairvoyant but the Bible forbids it? Did you know that there are people in churches with a gift of prophecy that can get a message off God for you? You can ask questions of them and they can take the questions to God for you. Eighty percent of the church don't use these people as they don't think the gift of prophecy exists anymore but the people that do use them get tremendously blessed.If you are not a Christian just say that in your email and the prophet will be more sensitive to you. Come and request a free personal prophecy today at http://www.personal-prophecy-free.net
Benefits Of A Bad Childhood
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